On Hire survey BG. MARITIME EAGLE juga dilakukan di ketika kapal sandar di pelabuhan galangan kapal BLP shipyard (bumi laut pertiwi) di Tanjung Uncang, Batam
Kapal tongkang BG. MARITIME EAGLE ini berjenis kapal tongkang deck kargo dan tank barge, kapal dibuat dibawah klasfifikasi American Bureau Shipping (ABS), kapal di buat tahun 2003 di China, pemilik kapal PT. Salam Bahagia dan penyewa kapal PT. Swiber Berjaya
Berikut contoh survey report untuk On Hire Condition Survey Kapal Tongkang, seperti dibawah ini;
Name of Barge : MARITIME EAGLE
Type : Steel Barge
Port of Registry : Jakarta
Flag : Indonesia
Classification : ABS
Gross Tonnage : 2,312
Net Tonnage : 693
Dimensions : 76.20 M ( Length )
24.38 M ( Breadth )
4.88 M ( Depth )
Built : 2003
Owner : PT. Salam Bahagia
The inspection was carried out on board the BG. MARITIME EAGLE on November 05, 2012 from 15.00 hours up to completion at 18.00 hours local time, while she was lying afloat at PT. Bumi Laut Perkasa, Tanjung Uncang, Batam Island, Indonesia.
Stay Cargo Stanchion, Main Deck, Hull, Bollard, Towing Bracket, Tyre Fender, Winch Box, Certification
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