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[pelaut] Shipping organisations sanction MLC 2006 ratification


Shipping organisations sanction MLC 2006 ratification
(Aug  24  2012) 

The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) and the International Shipping Federation (ISF) are just two of many shipping organisations to welcome the ratification of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006).
MLC 2006 will now enter into force in August 2013, following the announcement that it has been ratified by 30 ILO member states, the latest being Russia and the Philippines. The tonnage requirement of at least 33% gross tonnage has also been well exceeded and currently stands at just below 60%.
However, the ILO social partners warned that shipowners will need to ensure they are ready before the new regime of global labour standards comes into force. Significantly, the MLC will be subject to port state control, including the potential for more detailed inspections if ships are thought not to comply and the possibility of detention in serious cases of non-compliance or where hazardous conditions exist.
ITF and ISF emphasised that the MLC, 2006 has been dubbed the 'fourth pillar' of shipping regulation, alongside the IMO SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW Conventions and as such is likely to be strictly enforced by flag states and port state control.
Dave Heindel, chair of the ITF Seafarers' Section, said: "The MLC – the seafarers' bill of rights – is a genuine agent for real change. It has the potential to make a real difference to all seafarers, regardless of nationality or the flag of the ship on which they serve. Its entry into force will be the culmination of over 10 years of collective effort by the ILO social partners.
"At last, we will have a 'one stop shop' for labour standards, which we are confident will be genuinely implemented and enforced on a global basis. It means that all seafarers should soon be able to enjoy comprehensive protection of their fundamental rights. It also means good employment practice across the industry so that responsible employers, as represented by ISF, are not disadvantaged by the irresponsible minority," he said.
ISF Labour Affairs Committee Chairman, Arthur Bowring, said: "Governments are to be congratulated for ratifying the MLC so quickly. This is a Convention with a very wide scope, incorporating labour and social security requirements and therefore requires detailed study and potential amendment of local legislation to bring it into effect. We expect many more countries will ratify the Convention over the coming year, so that entry into force will be backed up by truly worldwide enforcement.
"This Convention is the result of tripartite negotiation over a lengthy period, which means that the labour standards which we have all agreed can be supported by governments, shipowners and seafarers giving us a uniform global framework of sound employment standards that is required by both shipowners and seafarers," Bowring concluded.
An important feature of the Convention's enforcement will be the issue of 'Maritime Labour Certificates' by flag administrations following an inspection. There is also a requirement for ships to complete and maintain on board a 'Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance '                                                             

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