Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

[pelaut] BLT given 90 days to restructure


BLT given 90 days to restructure
(Aug  24  2012) 

Berlian Laju Tanker (BLT) has gained a stay of execution by an Indonesian Court in its bid to try to restructure its finances.
At a meeting held in the Central Jakarta District Court on 15th August, an overwhelming 96% in value of BLT creditors voted in favour of an extension of the PKPU restructuring process in Indonesia.
This vote will allow discussions to continue with a view to achieving a successful restructuring of BLT's liabilities, the company said.
It was subsequently sanctioned by the Court on the following day. As a result, the company and its creditors have a further 90 days to work towards reaching an agreement on a restructuring plan.
The PKPU process is being undertaken at the same time as restructuring action is taken in Singapore on a number of BLT's operating subsidiaries.
The Singapore Courts granted protection, under section 210(10) of the Singapore Companies Act, in relation to those subsidiaries and, on 2nd July, the Singapore High Court extended the protection for an additional three months.
This extension was obtained with the approval of the major secured creditors and is aimed at facilitating the restructuring process, BLT said.
The existing restructuring initiatives will be completed in the coming months, the company claimed. The proposed terms are based upon a fundamental analysis of forecast earnings taking into account each creditor's relative position, including security rights, vessel earnings, currency and stipulated requirements.
The company's major syndicate lenders recently confirmed their support for BLT' s restructuring, including through the provision of a working capital to support important restructuring initiatives, the company said.

========= fm tankeroperator ========

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