Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor



Abeam- The area at a right angle beside a boat aligned with the center of the boat.
Aboard- When something or someone is on or in a boat.
Above Deck- When someone is on deck and not in a cabin underneath.
Aft- Refers to the back area of a boat.
Aloft- A position high above a boat's deck.
Astern- The area behind a boat.
Bank- An area of shallow water created by a raised portion of the ground.
Barge- An enormous cargo-carrying boat with a flat bottom that transports large pieces of freight, typically accompanied by a tug boat.
Beam- The widest dimension of the hull of a boat.
Bear Away- The act of steering a boat away from the wind.
Below- The area beneath the main deck.
Bend- The act of fastening or securing ropes on a boat.
Bow- The front portion of a boat.
Breaker- A wave that turns to foam as it hits land.
Bridle- A strong connection of cables used for towing ships and boats.
Buoy- A floating marker in the water.
Cable- A heavy length of rope.
Capsize- When a boat turns over in the water.
Careen- When a boat tilts or leans to the side.
Centerline- The center of the boat that spans its full length.
Cleat- A fitting made of metal or other strong material, attached to a boat where a line can be fastened.
Coil- Making loops in a stretch of rope or line in order to properly store it.
Compass- An instrument with a needle that determines direction.
Deck- A floor of a boat.
Dinghy- A small boat carried on board a ship that's used to transport people to and from the craft.
Ebb tide- When the sea's tide is going out.
Elbow- A type of knot that connects two ropes.
Even keel- When a boat is sailing in an upright, balanced position.
Fair wind- A wind that is favorable for a particular sailing direction.
Fid- A tool used for splicing a rope.
Foot- The lower edge of a sail.
Fore- Refers to the front area of a boat.
Frap - The technique of wrapping rope around equipment on a boat to keep it steady and secure.
Furl- The act of securely rolling up a sail.
Galley- The area designated for food preparation on a boat.
Girtline- A rope with a block attached to it that is used to transport supplies to high areas on a boat or ship.
Halyard- A type of line used to help hoist a sail.
Helm- The wheel or tiller of a boat.
Hull- The body of a boat.
Inshore- In the direction of a shoreline.
Jib- The sail at the front of a boat.
Keel- A steel piece at the bottom of a boat that supports its frame.
Knot- A measurement of one nautical mile.
Latitude- Location north or south of the equator that is measured in degrees.
Leeward- Sailing in a downwind direction.
Longitude- Location east or west of the prime meridian that is measured in degrees.
Moor- To secure a boat in place with the help of an anchor or heavy cables.
Mooring Line- A heavy cable that secures a boat to a pier.
Nautical- A term relating to sailors and watercraft.
Offshore wind- Air that is moving away from a shoreline.
Pitch- The rising and falling motion of a boat on rough seas.
Port- The left side of a boat.
Put about- The act of changing the course of a boat.
Put in- To sail into a harbor or other stopping place.
Rigging- The collection of ropes, chains, and other equipment that helps to sail a boat.
Rudder- A steering instrument located at the stern of a boat.
Shoal- A shallow area in a body of water.
Starboard- The right side of a boat.
Stay- Heavy cable that gives support to a ship's mast.
Stern- The back of a boat.
Sternway- The motion of a ship moving backwards.
Stow- To pack or secure equipment on a boat.
Take in- To furl a sail.
Tiller- A metal or wood handle that moves a boat's rudder.
Trim- The act of adjusting the angle of a boat's sails.
Undertow- A current deep in the sea that moves in opposition to the levels of water above it.
Unfurl- To open a rolled up sail.
Veer- When a boat moves its stern to the wind and changes its original direction.
Wake- The trail left behind a boat that is moving through the water.
Waterline- The point where the surface of the water meets the hull of a boat.
Weigh Anchor- To lift a ship's anchor from the bottom of the sea in preparation to sail.
Whitecap- A type of wave that has a foamy, white top.
Windward- Sailing in an upwind direction.
Yard- A pole or rod that gives support to a sail.
Zephyr- A gentle, calm breeze


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