Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor


Marine Positions
Three main departments
Within a normal Merchant Ship's complement are three departments:
Deck Department 
The Deck Department is responsible for the safe navigation of the ship, care of the cargo while at sea and the safe loading and discharging of cargo
in port. 
The Deck Department is also responsible for cosmetic maintenance of the vessel, seamanship operations, and the bulk of the legal and commercial business on board.
The Master is the company's management representative and the ultimate authority on board. The Master is responsible for the lives of all personnel on board, the safety of the vessel, the cargo and the environment.
The Master is responsible for ensuring that the vessel is navigated and operated safely and efficiently, with regard to international, national and company regulations.
Chief Officer
The Chief Officer is the designated Safety and Training Officer of the vessel, and is in charge of the Deck Department. The Chief Officer is responsible to the Master for all Deck Department-related matters, including the planning and execution of all cargo and ballast operations.
Second Officer
The Second Officer is the Watchkeeping Officer responsible for bridge navigational equipment, passage planning, medical supplies and radio equipment.
Third Officer
The Third Officer is the Watchkeeping Officer responsible for maintaining the vessel's life-saving and firefighting safety equipment and general administration.
Bosun (Boatswain)
Reports to the Chief Officer and supervises/leads Able Seamen and Ordinary Seamen.
Reports to the Chief Officer, assisting with cargo operations, and performs routine maintenance of deck machinery and equipment.
AB (Able Seaman)
Supports the Deck Officers in all aspects of bridge, cargo and seamanship operations, under the supervision of the Bosun, and Pumpman as required.
O/S (Ordinary Seaman)
Junior position to the Able Seaman, the O/S supports the Deck Officers in all aspects of bridge, cargo and seamanship operations, under the supervision of the Bosun, and Pumpman as required.
Engine Department 
The Engine Department is responsible for the running and maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment throughout the vessel including the main engine, boilers, pumps, electrical generators, refrigeration plant and fresh water generators.
Chief Engineer
The Chief Engineer is in charge of the Engine Department, and responsible to the Master for all Department matters. The Chief Engineer is responsible for the technical maintenance of all equipment in the Engine Room, and machinery on deck.
First Assistant Engineer
The First Assistant Engineer is in charge of the day-to-day operations of the Engine Department and Engineer Officers and crew.
Second Assistant Engineer
The Second Assistant Engineer is the Watchkeeping Engineer responsible for the condition and maintenance of the generators, cargo pumps, fuel pumps and lube oil pumps.
Third Assistant Engineer
The Third Assistant Engineer is the Watchkeeping Engineer responsible for the condition and maintenance of the air compressors, purifiers, fresh water generators, boilers, lifeboat engines, and in conjunction with the Third Officer, the firefighting and life-saving equipment in the Engine Room.
Number One Oiler
Reports to the First Assistant Engineer and supervises the Oilers and Wipers, delegating jobs as directed by the First Engineer.
Supports the Engineer Officers in all aspects of engine watchkeeping duties, maintenance and repairs.
Junior position to the Oiler, the Wiper supports the Engineer Officers in all aspects of engine watchkeeping duties, maintenance and repairs.
The Catering Department is responsible for all culinary aspects on board the vessel, laundry and hygiene.
 Chief Cook
The Chief Cook is responsible for the ship's Catering Department, reports to the Master, and supervises the Second Cook and Utility in all aspects including discipline and hygiene. The Chief Cook budgets and controls the food guidelines within the limits set by the Master, devises varied menus, and is responsible for promoting nutritional values and cooking for the Officers.
Second Cook
Reports to the Chief Cook, cooks for the ratings and assists the Utility in aspects of his duties.
Serves the Officers during meals, assists the Chief and Second Cook and performs cleaning and hygiene duties.


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