Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Looking for Master AHTS Trading Area Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia

kindly inform you the latest vacancy for lowongan kerja pelaut as Master and Deck Fitter on board the vessel with trading area Abu Dhabi, Uni Emirate Arab and Saudi Arabia.

Job Code : Master - AHTS

Day Rate : USD 325

Joinging date : 1st or 2nd. week of December

Trading Area : Saudi Arabia

Contract : 3 months

Candidate should have 5 years experience as Master on AHT & Supply vessel.

Candidate should have ASD experience and also should have experience AHT operation.

Pls send your resume to : with the job code, together with copies of seaman's book ( all pages), passport, COC + endorsement, cert + photo,,, We also need ref fm your previous employer upon request.

2. Lowongan Pelaut For Master LCT operated at Papua New Guini.

Dear All Seafarer,

PT. Alfa Trans Raya (a subsidiary of PT. Tiara Marga Trakindo) in Jakarta is looking for Master for LCT (Landing Craft Tank / Semi Container) ship that operate in PNG

As for qualifications or requirements as follows:

1. Having experiences at least 3 years on the same position (as a Master on the similar type of ship)
2. Having a valid passport.
3. Have a valid Seaman Book.
4. Having valid COC (minimal ANT III with supporting endorsement)

5. Having valid COP and other necessary documents.
6. Salary offering USD 3000 - 3150 in gross (depends on the COC and endorsement)

If you have criteria & interest you can send you CV to :

Gedung TMT 1 Lantai 8 Suite 801
Jl. Cilandak KKO No. 1
Jakarta 12560

email :
fax : 021-2997 6672 attn to Marine Personnel

3. Jobs Pelaut Terbaru update on 28 Nopember 2011 for Deck Fitter and C/O Crews Boats

aa) Job Code : Deck Fitter

English, previous exp in AHTS/offshore is a must, salary USD 800/month, 6 months

bb) Job Code : C/O - CB

Area : Dubai/Abu Dhabi, salary USD 80-110/day, 4 months...

pls send to : with the job code, together with copies of seaman's book, passport, certificates + photo...

4. Lowongan Pelaut Terkini 28 Nopember 2011 various kind position as Master with Aramco Standard for AHTS vessel


Please propose
good experienced Aramaco approved Master or Aramco standard Master for AHTS
vessel M/V Ark Oslo as follows:

Day Rate : USD

Joinging date
: 1st or 2nd. week of December

Trading Area :
Saudi Arabia

Contract : 3

Candidate should have 5 years experience as Master on AHT &
Supply vessel.

Candidate should have
ASD experience and also should have experience AHT operation.

Please provide
the following to propose candidates.

with details of sea service and candidate’s signature
Endorsements, GOC/GMDSS and STCW training all certificates
Passport copy
book copies with details of sea service evidence (must match with the details in
fitness certificate
from previous employer
Merlin test certificate

Best regards


+62 82125351947
+62 81210366662

PT. La Marina Mila Group
Crew Manning & Recruitment Services
Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 69
Tg. Priok - Jakarta Utara
Indonesia 14320

Email : /
Skype :
la.marina.mila.groupWebsite :

5. Job Lowongan Pelaut by Blog Berita Kapal for AB ( Anak Buah Kapal )

Dear All,

I need candidate to position AB , AHTS,SUPPY and LCT, 16$/day, 3month,Arab Saudi. EXP.
ASAP, Thanks,



+62 82125351947
+62 81210366662
+62 2170607779

PT. La Marina Mila Group
Crew Manning & Recruitment Services
Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 69
Tg. Priok - Jakarta Utara
Indonesia 14320

Email : /
Skype :
la.marina.mila.groupWebsite :

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