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[info pelaut] MMLS Arrests Saudi-Flagged Almottahedah 1 in Hurghada Port


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MMLS Arrests Saudi-Flagged Almottahedah 1 in Hurghada Port
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Crew members allege passenger vessel owner, United Company for Marine Lines, failed to pay wages in excess of LE3 million.
On Wednesday, the Saudi-flagged passenger vessel ALMOTTAHEDAH 1 was arrested in the Hurghada Port of Egypt, Red Sea. Mamdouh Maritime Legal Solutions (MMLS) Executive Director Said Mamdouh arrested the vessel to secure the
rights of 22 crew members who have claimed in excess of LE3 million in
unpaid wages over a fourteen month period.
"United Company for Marine Lines has been running this vessel on
back-to-back trips between Hurghada, Egypt and Duba, Saudi Arabia since
2006. Although a magnificent vessel, unfortunately, apparent
mismanagement altered the future of this rising company – with four in
its line – bringing the company where it appears to be today; unable to
pay crew salaries," stated Mamdouh.

MMLS provides legal protection for owners and their vessels, in
addition to serving as a protector of seamen whose voices are not heard
by management and whose contractual right to be paid for their services
has been violated.
MMLS will proceed to legally secure the rights of the ALMOTTAHEDAH 1
crew until a fair settlement has been reached or, if necessary, the
vessel is sold pursuant to court order.
"The Maritime Industry's continued growth depends on the development of new ideas and good management; it is no place for amateurs," Mamdouh
Australian built in 1996, the aluminum hull ALMOTTAHEDAH 1 is a 600
passenger high speed vessel that can also carry up to 175 cars.
Mamdouh added, "As successors of the current revolution, we must take
our place as soldiers of justice to rebuild our country and revive its
status as a respected nation with a 10,000 year history."

Warmest Regards,

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