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Marine Surveyor

Pelatihan TOT IMO Model Course 6.09

Pelatihan TOT IMO Model Course 6.09

Dear Seafarers,
 Meneruskan informasi dari bagian training center kami :


Dear All,

Kami adalah PT MCS Internasional yang bergerak dibidang manning and training melalui training center kami, Humpuss Trilogi Maritime Training Center (HTMTC), bermaksud mengadakan Pelatihan TOT IMO Model Course 6.09.
Untuk pelaksanaannya kami sudah bekerjasama dengan Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (PPSDM)-Perhubungan Laut untuk mendapatkan persetujuan pengelolaan training ini yang akan diselenggarakan pada :

Tanggal      : 19 – 28 Agustus 2014
Tempat       : Humpuss Trilogi Maritime Training Center
                     d/a Universitas Trilogi d/h. STEKPI lantai 4
                     Jl. Taman Makam Pahlawan No. 1, Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan
          : Rp. 7.500.000 per orang (untuk 8 hari; sudah termasuk 2 x snack, 1 x makan siang, materi kit dan sertifikat)

Bagi yang berminat dapat menghubungi nama-nama di bawah ini pada jam kerja (pkl. 08.30 – 17.00)

1. Ibu Elvira Devi : 021-2524114, 085310265888
2. Bapak Oji : 021-2524114, 082123434515


Course Description
This is an eight-day, live-out program designed to provide insights into course management and opportunity to experience various training techniques. The course focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and attitude required for efficient planning and implementation of the IMO Model Courses. Source: IMO Model Course 6.09 Compendium

Course Objectives
It is designed to equip maritime instructors with the knowledge and skills on principles and theories of learning and teaching, teaching methodologies, presentation skills, assessment of learning, and classroom management. It also aims to develop positive attitudes towards teaching and learning and enhance understanding of IMO and its contribution to training.

Course Participants
This course is designed for maritime instructors, training managers, and experts of maritime courses who intend to teach.

Course Content
The course deals with basic foundations of teaching and the training process, instructional strategies and techniques, methods of evaluating learning and the IMO's role in training.

Course Methodology
The course uses the Adult Learning Approach, lecture, discussion, simulation, role-play, workshop and practicum on developing session guides and presentation skills.

Demikian disampaikan. Terimakasih atas perhatiannya.
a.n. Johan Novitrian
Direktur PT MCS Internasional

Luciana Siahaan
PT MCS Internasional
subsidiary of PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk.
Mobile: 08161853323
Personal email:


Widhia Rahman / Hadi Syofyan
PT. MCS International
Granadi Building 5th,
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-1 Kav. 8-9
Phone 021 – 5254335
Fax : 021 – 52964555

Untuk informasi lowongan lainnya, silahkan kunjungi
fanpage facebook kami disini!


Posted by: MCSI Crewing <>

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