Laporan Survey Marine Surveyor Indonesia
Marine Surveyor masih sangat dibutuhkan dalam bisnis maritim hingga
saat ini, apalagi kemajuan jaman membuat dunia industri semakin maju
termasuk industri bahari dan maritim yang menjadi ladang tulang punggung
bisnis jasa marine survey.
Marine Surveyor Indonesia sebagai patner pelaku bisnis dalam menjalankan
roda ekonomi secara tidak langsung berperan dalam memajukan
perekonomian bangsa kita juga, Indonesia Raya ini, Marine Surveyor hadir
sebagai pihak ketiga dalam transaksi bisnis, sebagai pihak yang
independent yang dipercaya oleh kedua belah pihak baik itu penjual dan
pembeli untuk melaporkan hasil laporan survey terhadap muatan dan kapal
secara baik dan benar sesuai keadaan sebenarnya, hasil laporan survey
inilah yang menjadi jualan seorang marine surveyor.
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Laporan Survey Marine Surveyor Indonesia |
Survey harus dibuat akurat dan cepat sehingga dapat dipercaya oleh para
pihak terkait dalam bisnis apapun itu yang menggunakan jasa marine
survey di dalamnya, dikarenakan misalnya dalam jasa marine survey untuk
Loading Supervision, hasil laporan survey jumlah muatan dan kualitas
muatan barang yang di survey oleh marine surveyor tersebut menjadi
patokan angka B/L (Bill of Lading) sehingga berdasarkan angka laporan
surveyor tersebutlah penjual menagihkan invoice kepada pembelinya.
banyak lagi jenis-jenis pekerjaan marine survey lainnya dan betapa
begitu pentingnya sebuah laporan survey dari seorang Marine Surveyor
Indonesia sangat berperan penting dalam dunia bisnis perdagangan di
dunia ini.
Contoh-contoh jenis-jenis pekerjaan seorang Marine Surveyor Indonesia diantaranya adalah sebagaimana tertulis dibawah ini :
Marine Surveying Jobs :
are Marine Surveyor Indonesia will serve you for marine survey, cargo
surveyors, petroleum survey, free gas survey and inspection services. We
are marine professionals who carry out all cargo, marine and hull
surveys and inspections for sea water and land shipments.
We also
provide services Marine Survey for all relating marine business, bulk,
break-bulk and tanker vessels with ready to commit their best to the
task, to meet the individual requirement in shipping industry will serve
you 24 hours in 7 week
As Marine Surveyor Indonesia, we have
extensive experiences and knowledge in the Marine & Cargo surveying
field and qualified to provide our clients with professional expert
services, Our Marine & Cargo Survey, Liquid & Dry Cargo
Consultancy, Inspection Services as follows;
1) On Hire / Off Hire Survey
2) Bunker Survey
3) Container Inspection
4) Damage Investigation
5) Towing and Lashing Survey
6) Condition Survey
7) Follow up Survey
8) Tally and condition survey
9) Inspection for cargo quantity and condition during stuffing and un-stuffing
10) Pre-shipment and Pre-loading Survey
11) Weighing and measuring
12) Pre break-bulk, opening seals/unsealing
13) Cargo damage survey
14) Cargo sampling
15) Loading & discharging supervision
16) Pre Purchase Surveys
17) Free Gas Survey
18) Expedite Survey
19) Draft Survey
20) Hold Cleanliness
21) Tally and Condition Survey
22) Measuring and Condition Survey
23) Cargo Insurance
24) Investigation Survey
25) Weighing Survey
1) Loading / Discharging Superintendence
2) Loss Control / Cargo Damage Survey
3) Shore / Ship Tanks Cleanliness Survey
4) ROB Inspection
5) Sampling and Analysis
6) ROB Fuel Consumption/bunker survey
7) Pre-shipment inspection
8) Tank cleanliness inspection
9) Oil losses inspection
10) Bunker Survey
case there is any requirement from our client for laboratory analysis,
we will perform such analysis at our authorized partnership laboratory
who is recognized as most reliable Laboratory in Indonesia
is Our Business, the company is established to protect the rights of
our Clients and/or Principals with impartial survey conducted in the
line of No Conflict of Interest among Parties concerns as reflects on
our Terms of Service.
You could browse more about our Services and please feel free to contact us for your cargo matters. Thanking you for visiting
in case you have any inquiry for marine survey at Batam please call me
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