Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Jetty Master Jobs in Indonesia Water

Seaman jobs info for seafarers in Indonesia water regarding to Jetty Master Jobs in Indonesia Water for more details please find below :
Jobs for Jetty Master at : PT. Trust Line Marine
A one stop solution provider for marine needs, Trust Corporation, an Indonesian company is headquartered in Jakarta, the capital city. PT Trust Line Marine presents to deliver wide spectrum of marine logistic, from cargo transporter, offshore support to services and marine infrastructure. We inherit the expertise to deliver our wide range of services with safety, accuracy, quality and speed. (

We are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position:


Requirement :
·          Male
·          Having Sertificate ANT III (minimum criteria)
·          Maximum of 45 years old
·          Has strong leadership, hardworking, reliable, and trustworthy
·          Computer literate
·          Mastering Microsoft Excel application, Microsoft Word
·          Mastering the use of the Internet & E-mail
·          English speaking and writing
·          Generally speaking, the smaller the port, the more knowledgeable the port master has to be (to compensate for a smaller management body with fewer staff).
·          Working area : Samarinda - Kaltim area
·          Having Experiance and knowledge : Maritime law, seamanship, cartography;
·          Maintenance of infrastructure components (hydrographic, dredging, beacons, fendering and, to a lesser extent, public lighting, cold storage, etc.);
·          Port statistics, national licensing arrangements, regulations, etc.; and HSE policy and pollution prevention.

Kami menawarkan paket compensation yang menarik, bagi kandidat terpilih dan Kirimkan surat lamaran beserta data diri Anda ke

 HR & Crewing Recruitment Department

 For more detail visit our website at
Jl. Prof. Soepomo No. 176, Jakarta Selatan 12819 - Indonesia

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