Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Lowongan Pelaut untuk AB, Oiler Dan Cook Di Timur Tengah

Lowongan Pelaut untuk AB, Oiler Dan Cook Di Timur Tengah

Berikut informasi Info Jobs untuk Pelaut Indonesia tentang Lowongan Pelaut untuk AB, Oiler Dan Cook Di Timur Tengah dari perusahaan pelayaran PT. Cipta Karya Inti Semesta sebagaimana dibawah ini;

We are looking for these following positions :
AB : Salary USD 340/month + 1 month leave pay on completion of contract.
Oiler : Salary USD 340/month + 1 month leave pay on completion of contract.
Cook : Salary USD 500/month + 1 month leave pay on completion of contract.
Contract Duration : 12 + 1 months (salary negotiable depends on experiences)
Area of operations : Arabian Gulf/West coast of India up to Red Sea as per company discretion.
Candidates must have experiences on AHTS/LCT/Crew Boats/Supply, English speaking, hold valid certificates.
For interested applicants, please send CV to
with subject line : Middle East Ratings
Jl. Raya Taman Margasatwa Kav. 2 No. 62
Jakarta 12540
Telp : 021 7800261

Demikian info jobs pelaut tentang  Lowongan Pelaut untuk AB, Oiler Dan Cook Di Timur Tengah semoga berguna bagi anda rekan pelaut indonesia yg ingin berlayar di timur tengah

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