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0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

[pelaut] Norgas at the centre of ferry deaths inquiry


Norgas at the centre of ferry deaths inquiry
(Sep 28 2012)

Following a collision with a local ferry in the Sunda Strait, which allegedly caused the deaths of eight people this week, Norgas Carriers confirmed that its 10,200 dwt LPG carrier `Norgas Cathinka' is now anchored at Merak Roads, Indonesia.

Investigations into the incident were continuing, the company said.

`Norgas Cathinka's' Master, Chief Officer and an ordinary seaman were continuing to assist local police in their investigations into the incident in which the vessel was in collision with a ro-ro passenger ferry, which later sank.

Norgas Carriers said in a statement that it had appointed a firm of international maritime consultants to conduct an independent investigation into the incident.

Local reports said that eight people from the ferry are still missing, presumed dead and more than 100 were rescued.

It was also reported that The National Transportation Safety Committee of Indonesia had assumed responsibility for the independent inquiry.

Norgas Carriers said that it noted local reports alleging the `Norgas Cathinka' did not stop immediately following the incident in the early hours of 26th September. The company said that it wished to point out the Master has reported that the vessel stopped, as soon as it was safe to do so following the incident.

It also stressed that such an allegation is speculation and does not help in the authorities' efforts to conduct a fair and impartial investigation.

Morits Skaugen, CEO of IM Skaugen, owner of the Norgas operation, said: "Our sole aim here is to ensure that the absolute truth comes out about the events which led up to the accident on 26th September. It is our firm intention to co-operate in every way we can with the on-going investigations in Indonesia. It is important the investigation is impartial and contains all the facts. I believe the outcome of the investigation will uncover the full truth of the incident and that our Master did everything he could under the circumstances after the incident."

Norgas Carriers, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of IM Skaugen, also said that the voyage data recorder (Black Box) on the ship's bridge will be taken from the vessel thus enabling the data to be analysed in the presence of Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee representatives.

The Harbour Master at the Port of Merak and his technical representatives will also be present at the handover.

Earlier, the company had said: "We can confirm the `Norgas Cathinka's' cargo of propylene is secure and there is no pollution or environmental damage from our vessel." The vessel had sustained structural damage as a result of the collision, the Master said.

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