We looking candidates for position of Officers, Engineers
For Bulk Carrier sailing area is Kalimantan and Java sea.(will join on July 30 2012)
The vacancies available are as follows:
1) Chief Officer (ANT II)
Salary US$. 3200/Month
2) 2nd Officer (ANT III)
Salary US$. 2100/Month
Please come directly to our office.
* Must have experience in Bulk Carrier greater than 20.000 GT
* Valid STCW Certificate and Communicative English
Thanks & Best Regard
PT. Meranti Magsaysay
Graha Bintang, Jl. Talang Betutu
No.5 Tosari, Sudirman. Jakarta Pusat
Phone: 021-3908812, 3908893 (ext : 600, 608)
E-mail: : rt@merantimagsaysay.co.id and cc to: rumata@merantishipping.com
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