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0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

[info pelaut] Sixth edition of cargo stowage bible published

Sixth edition of cargo stowage bible published
(June 15 2012)

Despite the sixth edition of `Thomas' Stowage', the bible for the properties and stowage of cargoes on board ship, being primarily aimed at the general cargo/bulk markets, there is advice given on bulk oil, chemical and gas cargoes.

Within the 365-page reference work are paragraphs dedicated to the liquid chemical cargoes, tank cleaning, tank coating, cargo lines and fittings, loaded passage recommendations, safety with reference to the IBC code and pollution prevention.

Other sections deal with LNG and LPG as cargo. The carriage of animal and vegetable oils and fats is also examined.

At the back of the book is a substantial section listing various conversion factors and other calculations, including vegetable and animal oils constants and the approximate specific gravity and density of oils at common handling temperatures.

There is also a comprehensive list of commodities, mainly dry, their requirements and characteristics and at the back of the book can be found a 10-page index.

`Thomas' Stowage- Sixth Edition' is published by Brown, Son & Ferguson (, 365 pp, illus, price £95.

====== fm tanker operator ========


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