Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Loker Pelaut Deck Officer and Engineer/ Product Tanker

Job code : C/O - VLCC/Tanker
Job code : 2/E  - VLCC/Tanker

English, USD 7600, 6 months, Product Tanker

Job code : C/O - Tanker/below 20,000 DWT
Job code : 2/E - Tanker/below 20,000 DWT
English, USD 6400, 6 months, Product Tanker, below 20,000 DWT

Job code : C/O - Tanker/above 20,000 DWT
Job code : 2/E - Tanker/above 20,000 DWT
English, USD 7600, 6 months, Product Tanker, above 20,000 DWT

Job code : 4/E - Tanker
USD 2000, 6 months, English

Job code : Fitter
USD 800, 6 months, English

Job code : Electrical Engineer
USD 2400, 6 months, English

Job code : AB - Chemical
USD 800, 6 months, English

Job code : Chief Officer - Chemical / Tanker
USD 4500, 6 months, English

Pls send your resume to : with the job code together with complete doc ( seaman's book all pages, passport, COC, COE, and valid STCW and recent photo) and valid medical check up...or pls call us at (021) 43910292

Application WITHOUT the job code WILL NOT be considered.


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