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0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
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Video Amatir Tenggelamnya Kapal Costa Concordia

Berita Kapal: Video amatir sempat merekam peristiwa detik-detik tenggelamnya kapal pesiar bernama Costa Concordia di pantai Italia.
Dilaporkan juga ada 170 ABK Indonesia yg bekerja sebagai kru di kapal ini.

Sebuah kapal pesiar kandas di lepas pantai Italia. Kapal pesiar Costa Concordia akhirnya tenggelam setelah menabrak sebuah karang, di sekitar Pantai Tuscan. 

Dalam kapal terdapat sekitar 2600 penumpang. Berikut adalah detik-detik tenggelamnya kapal yang direkam dalam sebuah video amatir.

Seorang penumpang kapal menyatakan bahwa sebelum terbalik situasi kapal mirip dengan peristiwa pada film Titanic. Tiga mayat sudah ditemukan sedangkan 69 penumpang lain belum ditemukan.

Penumpang mengeluhkan kru kapal yang gagal memberikan petunjuk tentang cara untuk mengevakuasi dalam kondisi darurat. Helikopter yang datang berhasil menyelamatkan 50 orang penumpang.

Hingga sekarang belum diperoleh konfirmasi soal sebab tenggelamnya kapal, namun ada kemungkinan kapal menabrak batu karang.

Dalam kapal terdapat seribu penumpang asal Italia, 500 orang asal Jerman, 160 penumpang warga Prancis serta seribu kru kapal.(DNI)

Video amatir ini didapat blogger Berita Kapal dari countersy milik stasiun TV Metrotv.
Berikut kami update gambar dan foto-foto dari tenggelamnya kapal pesiar Costa Concordia untuk anda pembaca setia kami disini blog's Berita Kapal

A Carabinieri boat approaches the Costa Concordia as it lies partly submerged in the water off the coast of Tuscany
A Carabinieri boat approaches the Costa Concordia as it lies partly submerged in the water off the coast of Tuscany

Rocks emerge from the damaged side the Costa Concordia revealing the extent of the damage to the hull
Collision: Rocks embedded in the ruptured side of the Costa Concordia reveal the extent of the damage to the hull

Gashed open: The hull of the massive Costa Concordia was gashed open as it ran aground, killing at least eight and injuring dozens more
Gashed open: The hull of the massive Costa Concordia was gashed open as it ran aground, killing at least eight and injuring dozens more
Operation: Rescue boats of the stranded cruise ship Costa Concordia arrive in the harbour
Operation: Rescue boats of the stranded cruise ship Costa Concordia arrive in the harbour and dozens of passengers are pictured on the quayside

Italian cruise ship 'Costa Concordia' carrying more than 4,000 people ran aground and keeled over off the Italian coast near the island of Giglio in Tuscany, Italy, last night
Italian cruise ship 'Costa Concordia' carrying more than 4,000 people ran aground and keeled over off the Italian coast near the island of Giglio in Tuscany, Italy, last night
The Costa Concordia after the evacuation off the Itaiian coast had been completed. Tonight Captain Francesco Schettino was being quizzed by police
The Costa Concordia after the evacuation off the Itaiian coast had been completed. Tonight Captain Francesco Schettino was being quizzed by police
The cruise ship that ran aground is seen off the west coast of Italy as a helicopter hovers above to try and find passengers
The cruise ship that ran aground is seen off the west coast of Italy as a helicopter hovers above to try and find passengers

The captain of the Costa Concordia cruise ship, Francesco Schettino is taken into custody in Grosseto, Italy
The captain of the Costa Concordia cruise ship, Francesco Schettino is taken into custody in Grosseto, Italy
Italian news agency Ansa said 4,165 out of the 4,234 people on-board were safe but did not know the whereabouts of the remaining 69
Italian news agency Ansa said 4,165 out of the 4,234 people on-board were safe but did not know the whereabouts of the remaining 69
Among the dead was a man around age 65, who officials believe may not have been able to withstand the cold of the sea at night.
Lifeboats are pictured in the foreground. Among the dead was a man around age 65, who officials believe may not have been able to withstand the cold of the sea at night

The Concordia's grounding should serve as a wake-up call to the shipping industry and those who regulate it, the maritime professionals' union Nautilus International said.
The Concordia's grounding should serve as a wake-up call to the shipping industry and those who regulate it, the maritime professionals' union Nautilus International said
Passengers spoke of having to crawl along near vertical hallways and stairwells to escape the ship as it began to take on more and more water
Passengers spoke of having to crawl along near vertical hallways and stairwells to escape the ship as it began to take on more and more water
Close-up: A woman looks at the cruise ship as it lies half in the water off the coast of Italy. Three people have been killed
Close-up: A woman looks at the cruise ship as it lies half in the water off the coast of Italy. Three people have been killed
The Costa Concordia lies partly submerged this morning after hitting rocks. So passengers were rescued by helicopter
Disaster: The Costa Concordia lies partly submerged this morning after hitting rocks. So passengers were rescued by helicopter
Rescue workers help a woman at Porto Santo Stefano
A rescue worker carries a child
A woman is cared for by a rescue worker and a child is taken to safety. Thousands of people have been affected by the incident

A passenger took this photo of a group of passengers in life-jackets on board the liner as they waited to be rescued
Waiting game: A passenger took this photo of a group of passengers in life-jackets on board the liner as they waited to be rescued
Rescue workers helps a woman as she is lead to safety at Porto Santo Stefano. Lifeboats had difficulty launching
Rescue workers helps a woman as she is lead to safety at Porto Santo Stefano. Lifeboats had difficulty launching

Passengers arrive at Porto Santo Stefano
Passengers arrive at Porto Santo Stefano
The evacuees were taking refuge in schools, hotels, and a church on the tiny island of Giglio, a popular holiday isle about 18 miles off Italy's central west coast
The evacuees were taking refuge in schools, hotels, and a church on the tiny island of Giglio, a popular holiday isle about 18 miles off Italy's central west coast

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