Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Lowongan Pelaut for Bosun

Job Vacancy for Seaman and Seafarers. 
Info Lowongan Kerja Pelaut Terbaru & Job Pelaut Terkini di Berita Kapal
Update by Berita Kapal informasi Terbaru Hari ini 13 Desember 2011 info Jobs for Pelaut, Detail Job Vacancy for Pelaut Indonesia Terbaru for various kinds job and position on board the vessel, available position lowongan pelaut for 2nd Officer ANT II on board DP Carrier Vessel, Master, Chief Officer, Chief Enginer, ABK, Cook, ATT, ANT, Lowongan Kerja di Kapal Pesiar, Kapal Tanker, Kapal Kargo, Kapal AHTS, Tug Boat, Tongkang, Barge, Kapal Ferry, Lowongan Kerja di Kapal Container, Lowongan Kerja di Kapal PertaminaLowongan Kerja di Kapal untuk Junior Officer and Kadet, Details Lowongan kerja Pelaut terbaru find belows

Update for you all that Urgently Required Pekerjaan Di Kapal Terkini on 12 December 2011 for various kind position like as 2nd Officer ANT II on board DP Carrier Vessel.

1. Job Description :  Urgently required for Bosun

Job Available / Urgently Needed / Job Info :  Bosun
Rank : -
Duration : 3 Month
Job Status :  Contract 
Salary / Wages : Negotiation
Location Trading Area : Indonesia
Join Date : as soon as possible
Note : if interest please walking interview to address detail below and send resume CV to EMAIL : 

Company Name / Contact Details Requirements : 
Please submit your application with your salary expectation to:
PT. Wintermar Offshore Marine, Tbk
Jln Kebayoran Lama No, 155 Jakarta, phone 021 5305201 / fax 021 5305203

or send via e-mail to:

Mr. Imam Subekti (Crewing Officer)
phone 08118605681 , or

Mr. Awaludin (Crewing Supervisor)
Phone 08121126173

Note : the original source message

PT. Wintermar Offshore Marine, Tbk - Jakarta looking for BOSUN to join with our AHTS Vessels, requirements minimal 5 years experience as Bosun for anchor handling operation in the off-shore field.

The main responsibility of Bosun:
* Assist C/O in anchor handling operation, and other operation such us rig moving and cargo supply.
* Supervise rating during operation, maintenance and cleaning.
* Maintain life boat/ life raft / pilot ladders, gangways, safety nets, safety harness, paints, etc in always proper condition.

Vessel will be operated at Indonesian water with fixed rotation 3 months on board and 1 month off.

Please submit your application with your salary expectation to:
PT. Wintermar Offshore Marine, Tbk
Jln Kebayoran Lama No, 155 Jakarta, phone 021 5305201 / fax 021 5305203

or send via e-mail to:

Mr. Imam Subekti (Crewing Officer)
phone 08118605681 , or

Mr. Awaludin (Crewing Supervisor)
Phone 08121126173

Best Regards,
Arif B Sayoga
Head of HR Department
Head of Crewing Department
PT. Wintermar Offshore Marine, Tbk

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