This is our Update requirements down below:1.Chief Engineer ATT 3 with Crew Boat ExperienceRemuneration:USD.2500/monthDuration:6 monthType of Vessel:Crew BoatTrading Area:UAEDate of Join:Immediately2.Chief Officer SDPORemuneration:USD.425/dayDuration:2 monthType of Vessel:AHTS DP 1Trading Area:UAEDate of Join:Immediately3.2nd Engineer ATT 2 with DP 2 Vessel ExperienceRemuneration:USD.300/dayDuration:3 monthType of Vessel:DSV DP 2Trading Area:UAEDate of Join:ImmediatelyNote:1.All Certificates/other documents relevant should revalidated and Update.2.All candidates should having experiences at least 2 years for each position.3.Only shortlisted candidates will Notified.Please forward your resume and all certificates copies to my email or contact number:081331322291.Regards,Pak Yanto
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