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12 Online Website for Cadet Training Overviews

Posted by Blog Berita Kapal for all of you candidates seaman or seafarers cadet, infomation for you that 12 Online Website for Cadet Training Overviews over around the world completly with STCW-95 & STCW- 2010 and MCA Guidance Regulation for Cadet Training Certifications.

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Cadet Training Overview

It is possible for you to start your maritime career as a cadet. The cadet training, which before was open for a few only, replaces:
- basic seafarer course,
- first period of required sea time, and
- first college level education, deck or engine.
The number of ship owning and ship management companies plus maritime interest groups promoting and organizing cadet training has lately been on the rise ( 2009 / 2010 ). Generally the training is arranged like a multilayered sandwich. Classroom studies are alternating with training and work onboard cargo or passenger ships in regular service. Some small details can vary depending on respective ship owner's and/or Master's preferences.

MCA Guidance and Regulations - Training and Certification requirements according to STCW-95
Deck Department, and
Engine Department, and
Engineer Officer of the Watch ( EOOW ) - Training programme Options [MCA - UK ], STCW 2010, or
Officer Cadet Training Schemes   PDF icon ( Warshash Academy ).

UKSA offers yachting cadetships ( 3 year duration ) leading to officer ( deck or engine ) competence on super- and mega yachts.

There are a few companies employing cadets. If you choose Cadet training you get your job training mostly onboard a ship. In November 2009 I heard about some European ship owners reducing cadet's "allowance" from USD 500 to 200-250 per month.

Before enrolling in a school for the Ship Cadet course, check the school have agreements with some shipowners to take the cadets onboard for training. There are many schools around the world offering the course but no onboard training. If you enrol with such a school you will have great problems afterwards to get job onboard to get your "seatime". Without actual time onboard you are not allowed to sit the exam for the first license. For description and overview of regular seamen's vocational training go to Advice for Newcomers.

If a school cannot guarantee you can get the mandatory 6 months onboard training ( seatime ) before sitting the exam DO NOT ENROL. You will waste the money you pay for the school plus the 6 months you spend learning in the school. It's better to do it the traditional way and enrol in a vocational school's "Basic Seafarer Course". Then you get seatime as an OS or an AB and after three years at sea you enrol in the Navigational College. Plus you can save money while working so you have for spending in the college.

To try on your own to find a shipowner who gives you a trainee position onboard for the first 6 months supervised training bridge work can prove next to impossible.

Cadet Training in Different Countries

The cadet training scheme differs from country to country, but the learning objectives are always the same. In the UK for example, Cadets undergo training in a block-release format, spending a shorter time in college before going to sea for a short assignment after which the cadet returns to college. Other countries allow the cadet to finish his/her degree before going to sea, but most countries seem to prefer a system where a cadet completes all of his/her sea time before returning to college for the final year of their degree.

Therefore you cannot change from a training scheme in one country to a training scheme in another country in the middle of your training. Even changing from one employer's scheme to another's within the same country is usually not possible because the subjects do not always come in the same order. Even if it would be theoretically possible it's very much frown on because a cadet is supposed to continue working as an officer with the same company that provided the training. Preferable he/she should stay for several years afterwards.

"Cadet Crisis" Background

In 1982 the measurement used for fixing ships' port duties, pilotage and canal fees etc, was changed from GRT ( Gross Register Ton ) to GT ( Gross Tonnage ). GT is an unitless index of all enclosed space on a ship. Including space occupied by cadets. In the end this led to increased operations costs for commercial ships. The unintended consequence of the change was to reduce size of accommodation while the ships grew bigger.

As old ships slowly has been replaced by new ships with smaller accommodationand no space for cadets - cadets don't bring any revenue - we have arrived at the current situation where the whole cadet training system is about to break down.

In June 2010 there was a "summit" with IMO and other organizations in Manila, Philippines. I thought the "cadet space problem" would be one matter to be strongly debated and hopefully solved. Read Cadets in danger of being left high and dry. You must register ( for free ) to get access.

However, nothing was solved - may be not even discussed ? I haven't heard anything at all. Hopefully next "Training and Manning" conference, also in Manila on November 18, 2010, will address this worsening problem.

Shortly after the above was written / published there came out something new. Something called the "Manila STCW Amendments". It concerns eLearning, i.e. distance studies through Internet connections where the "instructor" is a computer program with a data bank somewhere far away from the student.

eLearning programs / simulators are to be incorporated / blended in the regular STCW training. The new amendments would enter into force January 01, 2012. All changes in the training will have to be certified in the same way course curriculums are approved [source: Maritime Reporter (US), Aug. 2010, paper copy].

STCW-95 and STCW 2010

STCW-95 amendments were agreed on at the IMO conference in Manila 2010. Therefore the new amended version is called STCW 2010. The new STCW requirements ( amendments ) will begin to apply from January 01, 2012, when they enter into force.

Seafarers holding STCW-95 certificates - issued before January 01, 2012 - will have to meet the new requirements for their certificates to be revalidated / renewed past year 2017. By January 01, 2012 all seafarers must have STCW 2010 certificates including some new ones.
- New certification requirements for "able seafarers deck" and "able seafarer engine".
- New training and certification requirements for electro-technical officers ( ETO ).

From July 01, 2013 all new entrants / newcomers will have to be trained according to new standards ( STCW 2010 ). Up to January 01, 2017, seafarers that commenced training before 1st July 2013 may be issued with certificates in accordance with STCW-95   PDF icon.

You can download for free Manila Amendment to STCW - A Guide for Seafarers:STCW 2010 guide for Seafarers   PDF icon   ( 508 KB). For information on ECDIS training and certificates. see What's ECDIS ?.

Ship Cadet "On-The-Job-Training"

Read what a couple of ship cadets have to say about their own training   PDF Icon .
This is what another cadet is writing a blog about while still under training.

There is a ship cadet Forum where you can discuss and get help to your problems while training. Sometimes some small problem can pop-up even after the training!
  • What is deck cadet work

    Deck Cadet gets part of his/her education on the bridge where he/she is part of (usually) Chief Officer's watch. He/she has no official responsibility and all work is supervised by the Duty Officer, who is responsible for the watch. When the ship is in port the Deck Cadet is mostly Chief Officer's messenger. Get overview and manual for deck cadet training programmes ( UK ) ( PDF icon  - 2.5 MB), approved by Maritime and Coastguard Agency ( MCA ) by Merchant Navy Training Board.
  • What is engine cadet work

    Engine Cadet "works" in the engine room, often as part of the 1st Engineer's watch, mainly doing cleaning jobs when he/she isn't attending some lectures. The cadet can take part in some work in the control room, supervised by the Duty Engineer. In port he is mostly the Chief Engineer's messenger or assigned to some simple maintenance work in the engine room. Get overview and manual for engineer cadet training programmes ( Canada ) ( PDF icon  - 0.6 MB), 07/2007.
  • There are no catering cadets

Cadet Training Providers

It's getting more and more difficult for a single private person to find seatime employment as trainee cadet. I therefore copy here from an Australian Ship Cadet Institute:
"It is highly desirable that prospective students arrange employment with a shipping company prior to commencing phase one, in order to progress through the on-the-job components of the course."
  • UK based shipmanagement company with a yearly intake of deck and engine cadets of over 100 persons accepts new candidates mainly from Bulgaria, India, Latvia, Romania, and Russia in addition to UK.
  • German shipmanagement company with over 600 ships have offices in Germany, Australia, Bermuda, P.R. China, Cyprus, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Isle of Man, Japan, Poland, Singapore, and UK. The management company is an equal opportunity and anti-discrimination employer accepting personnel of all nationalities. The management company have a cadet training programme. To enquire contact nearest crew service centre.
  • NYK Shipmanagement ( Singapore ) recruits cadets from Philippines, India, Croatia, Romania, Ukraine, China, Vietnam, Russia, Indonesia and Bangladesh. Go to Company Website for more information.
  • UK chemical tanker operator with training programme for trainee officers, mainly in UK but also in Italy, Finland and Belgium. Vessels trading in the Baltic and North Sea - transporting IMO 2 & 3-type chemicals in stainless steel tanks. For enquiries about training and/or crewing contact by e-mail: info(at) [instead of (at) you type @].
  • Deck Cadet training institute in Thailand, guarantees 18 months supervised training placement after the 3 months pre-sea program. Have office in Mumbai, India. The training is intended for Thai and International students from the region. The one school year final school training can be chosen either in UK or Australia with exam and license from respective country.
  • UK based ship management company have their own cadet training program. Get Cadet Application Form [Word 2003 document].
  • UK tanker owner and operator running a cadet training scheme, which will end after approximately 3 years in either an OOW or an EOOW certificate. All applicants must be permanent UK residents and a citizen of an EEU state. Currently 19 cadet officers serve on 12 vessels. To apply follow instructions on company website.
  • Indian Deck Cadet Training including 4 ½ months pre-sea training on cargo ships as deck cadet earning a stipend from an Indian shipowner / management company.
  • Norwegian shipowner with a Cadet Training Institute in Mumbai, India, guarantees supervised training onboard for selected / approved candidates, with a small "stipend" while training.
  • American merchant marine cadet training ( Deck and Engine ). This training Institute have their own training vessel for students' use. For enquiries useContact Us page.
  • Get Royal Dutch Shell ship cadet application form ( PDF icon ). Or use on-line application form ( UK ). Get Shell's cadet scheme entry requirements.
  • UK based ship management company provides the training, guidance and sponsorship required to support the next generation of seafarers in realising their dreams. Please note that year 2011 in-take is now closed for Trainee Officer programmes. If you wish to be considered for the September 2012 entry please re-apply in May 2012.

    This company's next in-take for Deck and Engine-room Trainee Ratings will be Autumn 2012, application closing date will be 30th June 2012 and they will contact you shortly after this date if your application has been successful for Interview stage.

    The company is only able to accept applications for Trainee Officer and Rating programmes for European Union nationals who have been ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom for a period greater than one year. Important note: From 2012 they are only sponsoring trainee officers through the FD SC ( foundation degree ) for Deck / Engineering and ETO Routes.
This page is best in any browser

Approved ICRA label

Officer cadet website logo

Cadet training ship

Chemical tanker with stainless steel tanks

Ship cadet on the bridge

Engine room cadet

  • UK cadet training organisation, with some 700 cadets on at any one time. All Trainees will be required to be a National of a member state of the European Union and must be ordinarily resident in the UK.
    - Get Cadet Entry Requirements ( UK ).
    - After completed Ship Cadet training you will get these Qualifications ( STCW-95 ).
  • Danish-British ship-owner and operator takes cadets both on deck and in engine room. Applicants must be EU nationals and residents of UK. Useonline application form.
  • Deck and Engine Cadet training for EU nationals. Officer Cadet Scholarships for 16-23 olds ( male and female ). Fully paid for (excluding accommodation and food) three year training course - any type of ship. Candidates must be permanent residents in UK. Fill in online application.
  • Chevron Shipping Company have ship cadet training with training officers on their tankers for: Deck Cadets, Engine Cadets, and Electrical Technical Cadets. Send your CV to e-mail address provided at the bottom of the employer's webpage.
  • Ship Safe Training Group arranges cadet training ( UK ) in their member companies. Apply online. For help or assistance please send us an online enquiry.
  • Ship cadet training on cruise ships - Deck Cadets and Engineering Cadets - Male and Female. Working on cruise ships of Princess Cruises, Cunard, P & O ( Australia ), Ocean Village, and P & O Cruises ( UK ).
  • List of ship owning and managing companies in UK taking deck and engine cadets onboard their ships.

  • Deck and Engine cadet training with the biggest shipmanagement company in the world ( UK ), over 1.100 cadets doing seatime at any one time. Also non-British citizens can apply.
  • Cyprus based ship owners / operators do accept applications from suitable people to their cadet training programme. You may approach the company by e-mail. During training the cadets will be employed as "Apprentice Officers".
  • Deck cadet training for Indian seafarers. Sponsorship available from foreign shipping companies.
  • Indian marine Academy offering pre-sea training for Indian deck cadets. The Academy is affiliated with Siroi Ship Management and offers trainee position onboard after completed pre-sea training.
  • South African cadet training ( deck and engine ). Use contact e-mail for enquiries.
In the catering department you do not find any cadet positions, because traditionally a cadet is a "trainee officer".

There are several on-going money scams targeting seamen, see Don Pedro'sNigerian and Other Employment-Money Scam Examples.

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