Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Lowongan Kerja Pelaut Terbaru 29 Nopember 2011

update by Blog Berita Kapal, informasi Lowongan Kerja Pelaut Terbaru di bulan November 2011, posting di tanggal 29 Nopember 2011, details requirements find belows:

Dear All,

We have Vacancy for the following crew urgently

3 (Three) MASTER candidate with Class-1 or 2 with AHT & AHTS tug experience
with Anchor handling experience to work with ARAMCO. Salary USD 400 per day
for good anchor handling master candidate and 4 months contract.

Crew should pass Marlins English test with above 85% mark in all subject.

If you meet with our requirement please forward your complete resume to (QUOTE: MASTER AHTS ARAMCO)

Thanks & Best regards,

Aldi Garibaldi

NURFA BAHTERA MANDIRI - Jogja (Branch Office)

PUTRI MANDIRI - Batam (Head Office)

As recruiting agents only


Mob. +62 812 15 322 392

2. Fyi All,

This is our Update requirements down below:

1.Chief Officer ANT 2 with AHTS Vessel Experience
Duration:3 month
Type of Vessel:AHTS DP 1
Trading Area:ARAMCO
Date of Join:Immediately

2.Chief Officer SDPO
Duration:2 month
Type of Vessel:AHTS DP 1
Trading Area:UAE
Date of Join:Immediately

3.2nd Officer ANT 3 with AHTS Vessel Experience
Duration:3 month
Type of Vessel:AHTS DP 1
Trading Area:ARAMCO
Date of Join:Immediately


1.All Certificates/other documents relevant should revalidated and Update.

2.All candidates should having experiences at least 2 years for each position.

3.Marlins test above 80% over all score and 80% in sub categories.

4.Chief Officer candidates should having Fast Rescue Craft certificate.

5.Only shortlisted candidates will Notified.

Please forward your resume and all certificates copies to my email or contact number:081331322291.


Pak Yanto

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