Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

How to Track a Route on a Vessel With Google ?

Various websites including this website Berita Kapal allow you to track boat, ship's or vessel routes through Google maps. Commercial ships are required to broadcast information through an Automatic Identification System (AIS), which tracks ships' locations through GPS and transmits information such as vessel name, course, and speed. Using AIS, websites can track boat routes using Google maps in almost real-time. 

Some websites require a subscription fee; others are free but may provide limited data or have a delay in the information. The boat tracking software is only for commercial ships. You can't track a private vessel's course unless its owner chooses to upload their information.


    • 1
      Search for a website that provide boat tracking information. Various sites offer different information using Google maps. Marine Traffic ( is a free site that shows detailed real-time information on thousands of boats at sea. Vessel Tracker ( is another site that provides information but it charges a subscription fee.
    • 2
      Log on to a boat traffic site. Choose a specific area by looking at Google Maps and picking the destination you want. The map will zoom in to the particular area allowing you to see where all the boats are located. Boats are usually represented by colored flags or other icons on the map.
    • 3
      Search for a boat. On most websites, you can narrow your search by choosing type of boat, name of boat or a specific port.
    • 4
      Choose a boat. When you click on an icon, more detailed information about the boat will appear such as speed, destination, what type of boat, and a picture.
    • 5
      Click on "Show Vessel's Track" and the map will draw a line on the Google map to show you the route the boat has traveled so far until its scheduled stop.

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