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Fwd: Maritime Today E-news

Maritime Today
Maritime Today is brought to you this Monday, October 31, 2011 by Maritime Reporter and Engineering News, the worlds most recognized and trusted monthly publication serving the international maritime community.
Posted 10/31/11 at 09:06 AM
Waterways Council, Inc. names new officers;Matt Woodruff Names ChairmanAt its Annual Meeting on October 19 in Pittsburgh, the Board of Directors of Waterways Council, Inc. (WCI) elected the following new officers for 2011-2013: Chairman, Matt Woodruff, (Director, Government Affairs, Kirby Corporation); Vice Chairman, Steve Little, (President, Crounse...
Posted 10/31/11 at 08:45 AM
IntermanagerWelcomes David Cameron'sCall for Armed Guards of UKFlagged ships. InterManager (an active member of the Save our Seafarers (SOS) campaign) is, after months of campaigning, delighted to hear the public vilification of piracy issued by the UK Government...
Posted 10/31/11 at 08:20 AM
Since the start of 2011, Wilhelmsen Ships Service (WSS) Ships Agency has been successfully dealing with the needs of vessels calling in European ports with regard to Advanced Cargo Declarations. These regulations require all carriers to pre-alert customs authorities of goods going in and out of the EU, Switzerland and Norway by providing an Advance...
Posted 10/31/11 at 07:48 AM
A new publication from the UK PI Club focuses on one of the major sources of cargo-related claims in the tanker sector: cargo contamination.The Club stresses that loading and discharging of a cargo is a joint operation between the crew of the tanker and the terminal staff...
Posted 10/31/11 at 07:45 AM
The ASTM International seminar, Fire Testing for SOLAS and Navy Vessels: New Test Procedures and Material Approval Process, will be held Dec. 7 at the Tampa Marriott Waterside in Tampa. Sponsored by ASTM Committee F25 on Ships and Marine Technology, the seminar will be held in conjunction with the committees December standards development meetings...
Posted 10/31/11 at 07:37 AM
Amendments to the STCW Convention have been made at the right time to make it relevant for today's and future needs, according to Rear Admiral Peter Brady, Director General of the Maritime Authority of Jamaica...
Posted 10/31/11 at 07:31 AM
Workboats, emergency vessels and military craft that operate in rough conditions require top-notch searchlights. With superior light output and heavy-duty construction, XR series Xenon Searchlights and Solar-Ray Searchlights from Perko are the top choices of marine professionals...
Posted 10/31/11 at 07:27 AM
For the first time in its history, more than 3 million multi-day cruise passengers sailed from Port Canaveral, contributing $40 million in cruise revenue during the fiscal year ending September 30, also a record as newer and larger cruise ships and 66 additional ship calls helped boost passenger totals...
Posted 10/31/11 at 07:24 AM
PUMP-FLO Solutions,aprovider of software solutions to the fluid handling industry, announced that Hamworthy, a high technology marine pump manufacturer, has chosen PUMP-FLO Solutions to create an electronic pump catalog for use in the PIPE-FLO system design software and PUMP-FLO selection software...
Posted 10/31/11 at 07:19 AM
MHI Announces Outline of FY2011 First 6 Month Financial Results Ended September 30, 2011 (Consolidated).Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) today announced its consolidated financial results for the first six months of fiscal year (FY) 2011 ended September 30, 2011...
Posted 10/31/11 at 07:04 AM
MMT Groupannounce acquisitionof a new Kongsberg EM2040D. The EM2040 dual head system has recently been installed on MMTs survey and ROV vessel IceBeam.This is the first highly developed multibeam echo sounder to combine all of the advanced features of deepwater echo sounders to the near-bottom sounding environment...
Posted 10/31/11 at 06:24 AM
Captain Jack Davies is the consummate boatman. Of himself he says, I love running boats, and being involved in the marine industry.Davies wears a number of hats in the marine industry, and often he is aboard one of the tugs with which he has some ownership involvement...
Posted 10/31/11 at 06:19 AM
Vessel built by Naikai Zosen for Nissho Shipping will become first NK classed ship to incorporate special construction for carriage of liquefiable cargoes.A new vessel being built at Japanese shipyard Naikai Zosen Corporation for shipowner Nissho Shipping Co...
Posted 10/31/11 at 06:13 AM
BIMCOs Grant Hunter joins Executive Committee of ESS Databridge Development Group. Addition of shipping documentation and contracts expert will bring further relevant expertise to ESSs industry user group...
Posted 10/31/11 at 06:05 AM
Vessel operating costs are expected to rise by 3.8% in 2011 and by 3.7% in 2012, with lube expenditure and crew costs identified as the categories most likely to produce the highest levels of increase, according to a new survey by international accountant and shipping consultant Moore Stephens...
Posted 10/31/11 at 06:02 AM
Corpro Systems Ltd., a member of international oilfield services organisation Reservoir Group, has been awarded a significant coring contract in Eni, the largest Italian energy company.The contract is the third commercial project to be carried out by Corpro since it opened its Scandinavian facility in late 2010 and will include coring and various...
Posted 10/31/11 at 05:58 AM
Fugro OSAE GmbH has been awarded a 2.3 million hydrographic survey contract by the Norwegian Hydrographic Service (NHS). The survey is part of the MAREANO project and will encompass an area over 12,000km in the Barents Sea...
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