Biasany compny ngash bocorn sblm dtest sma shell dan klo gk lulus 1x mash dkasi test 1x lg.
Sent from my Nokia phone
-----Original Message-----
From: Wahyudi Santoso
Sent: 01/10/2011, 05:42
Subject: Re: [pelaut] Mohon infonya
Itu vetting/Sire Bro? Or cuma Ism-C sj yg mo exam?
Wahyudi S
From: Nurahmad Nunung <>
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 8:31 PM
Subject: [pelaut] Mohon infonya
Salam utk rekan rekan pelaut semua,
mau taya informasi nih ,exam ism code shell Brunai gimana proses ya,apa ada bocoran dari office,biasanya berapa lama prosesnya
terima kasih atas infonya
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