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0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

[pelaut] Trs: Problem My Friend..Help My freind Seaman in Mumbai India ( Case 4124 )


----- Pesan yang Diteruskan -----
Dari: Help <>
Kepada: heri dwiputra <>
Dikirim: Jumat, 7 Oktober 2011 13:33
Judul: RE: Problem My Friend..Help My freind Seaman in Mumbai India ( Case 4124 )

Dear crew of Irian Jaya,
We are very sorry to hear about your ordeal in India and try to understand how you must be suffering. We will see and do our best to help you from here. And for that reason, we need to have more and clear picture of the matter. Can you please tell us that apart from contacting your Indonesian embassy , who else did you contact ? and what are the nationalities of crew? Are they all Indonesian?.
Do you have any phone number ? its better if we contact you over the phone and discuss the matter in detail.
We have now open a case for you , which is "Case 4124", please always quote this number in all correspondence with us.
Kind regards,
Asif Khan
SeafarerHelp Officer
From:heri dwiputra []
Sent: 07 October 2011 03:56
To: Help
Cc: Help
Subject: Problem My Friend..Help My freind Seaman in Mumbai India

Hi Indonesia,!
While all levels of government to echo the success of the multi handle crises and korupsi.Tidak many know, that we in India are now actually become casualties of state-victimizing.

How not!? We are working on the fleet TSHD IRIAN JAYA, IMO No: 8016926, owned by PT. Rukindo (Persero), one state-owned enterprises (which we already contribute automatically turn on the Indonesian state company) and leased to the private sector (SSS International Pte, Ltd.) based in Singapore, even we do not get paid a penny under the contract that we signed together Pt Freja Indonesia with offices in the complex MoI (Mall of Indonesia) Jakarta Kelapa Gading, as our despatch agent.

Among the 18 crew, who did not receive any salary for 10 months as many as 9 crew, 2 crew did not get a salary for 6 months and 7 crew did not get a salary for 5 months. Worse, almost all the crew the entire crew has run out of contract but not sent home too, will be retained on board with inadequate health facilities.

It's been five months we were never able to land, we still ship with one unit of television entertainment media.

I personally have reported this incident to the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Mumbai on July 26, 2011 at 4:54 pm India time, and immediately responded to by Ms. Sri Lestari as the party of the Embassy on the same day at 22:09, and we are willing to mediate in order to fulfilled all our rights, but until his term ends in Mumbai yet there is also a solution. I also have tried to leave the ship on the 30th of August 2011 to ask the help of local government authorities but banned by the tenant, and on 14 September 2011 the tenant actually holding our passports and seaman book to date.

Today, already 4 days we live in dark conditions without fuel for the engine power or simply turn on the stove for cooking, compounded by the absence of water supply for bathing and just laugh it had been four days we have used the remnants of the waste water cooling room for a shower.

This problem is not a new problem, starting from December 2010 issue is still not resolved, either from the Pt Rukindo (Persero), Indonesia Pt Freja as an agent or by SSS International Pte Ltd, as the tenant. Though most of the crew were employees Rukindo Pt (Persero).

Indonesia, Indonesia, Indonesia .. I Love.
Until when we will be victimizing you,?
Secarut is this chaotic state to remain there until we are into victimizing,?
Where we are going to complain about the treatment is almost a year after the relevant parties are also not able to solve this problem?
What's behind all this,?

Karaikal port, India.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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