have seen adv for crewig Supervisor and wish apply for Marine supervisor in your company, and i have just graduated from the academy of
merchant marine academy Indonesia (STIP)-JAKARTA,
my major nautical department.
leaving school class II,and certivicate class 1/1 in proges and i
inters to join your company,
i am able to attend an interview and start work at nov 2011,
pls see in attachments. thanks for your attention and
Dari: Ayo <ayosuharyo@yahoo.com>
Kepada: pelaut@yahoogroups.com
Dikirim: Senin, 24 Oktober 2011 16:31
Judul: [pelaut] Re: Kebutuhan Karyawan Darat PML
--- In pelaut@yahoogroups.com, Mardiono Nono <mardiono_nono@...> wrote:
> Dear,
> All pelaut / Port Eng - Port Capt
> Kami perusahaan pelayaran PT PATRIA MARITIME LINE
> membutuhkan :
> 1. 2 Orang Technical Staff : - Usia 25 - 30 tahun.
> - Ijazah ATT III / ATT II
> - pengalaman berlayar min 3 thn
> - Lebih diutamakan yg perpengalaman bekerja di darat2
> 2. 1 Orang Technical Dept Head :
> - Usia 30 - 35 tahun
> - Ijazah ATT III / ATT II
> - Pengalaman berlayar min 3 thn
> - Lebih diutamakan yg berpengalaman bekerja di darat
> 3. 1 Orang Nautical Dept Head :
> - usia 30 - 35 tahun
> - Ijazah ANT III / ANT II
> - Pengalaman berlayar min 3 thn
> - Lebih diutamakan yg berpengalaman bekerja di darat .
> Bagi kawan2 yg berminat silakan fax cv ke 0511 4221225 .
> Salam
> Mardiono
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
2. ATTACHMENT akan dibanned, krmkan ke pelaut-owner atau upload ke FILE.
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