Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Apa saja Sertifikat Diatas Kapal

I. All ships (semua kapal)
  1. International Tonnage Certificate (1969), Tonnage Convention,article 7
  2. International Load Line Certificate, LL Convention, article 16; 1988 LL Protocol, article 18
  3. International Load Line Exemption Certificate, LL Convention, article 6; dan 1988 LL Protocol, article 18
  4. Intact Stability Booklet, SOLAS 1974, regulations I I – 1 / 2 2 and I I – 1 / 2 5 – 8 ; dan 1988 LL Protocol, regulation 10
  5. Damage control plans and booklets, SOLAS 1974, regulations I I – 1 / 2 3 , 2 3 – 1 . 2 5 – 8 ‘ dan M S C / C i r c . 9 19
  6. Minimum safe manning document, SOLAS 1974 ( 2 0 0 0 amendments), regulation V / 1 4 .2
  7. Fire safety training manual, SOLAS 1974 ( 2 0 0 0 amendments), regulation II 2 / 1 5 . 2 .3
  8. Fire Control plan/booklet,
  9. On board training and drills record
  10. Fire safety operational booklet
  11. Certificates for masters, officers or ratings
  12. International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
  13. Oil Record Book
  14. Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
  15. International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
  16. Garbage Management Plan
  17. Garbage Record Book
  18. Cargo Securing Manual
  19. Document of Compliance
  20. Safety Management Certificate International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) or Interim International Ship Security Certificate
  21. Ship Security Plan and associated records
  22. Ship Security Plan and associated records (continued)
  23. Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)

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