Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Re: [pelaut] SHIP OWNER


Dear Capt·············

Maaf sebelumnya Capt···········semua itu saya jg dpt di web nya ( jd klu capt mau tau email n nmr tlp yg akan dihub,
Capt tinggal klik salah satu dari nama company tsb n di bagian bwh
Dari halaman itu nnt ada tulisan visit the web,capt klik itu n akan muncul halaman web yg capt ingin liat n disitu ada semuanya termasuk form applicasinya yg hrs diisi n jg jabatan yg ingin kita coba lamar.

Thanks n selamat mencoba.


Sent from Samsung tablet

Maryono Yono <> wrote:

Buat Mas Rakul Budi
Boleh minta tolong alangkah lebih baik jika mas rakul budi mencantumkan alamat email crewing departmend,name crewing and Mobile phone offshore company.
Biar kita coba kirim CV and call crewing cukup dari rumah saja .
Trimakasih sebelumnya.
Wassalam .
                                                          Hormat saya
                                               Capt. Maryono Martodisastro M.Mar

--- On Fri, 9/16/11, Rakul Budi <> wrote:

From: Rakul Budi <>
Subject: [pelaut] SHIP OWNER
To: "" <>
Date: Friday, September 16, 2011, 3:08 PM


Dear All Popeye.............
bagi yang ingin mencari company Vessel Supply,silahkan cari di web alamat-alamat yang ada dibw ini..............

* ADAMS offshore
* Amarco
* Aries Marine
* Aries Offshore Services
* Atlantic Towing
* Borcos Shipping
* Bourbon Offshore
* C&G Boats
* Caspian Mainport
* Deep Sea Supply
* DeepOcean
* E.R. Schiffahrt
* Eidesvik
* Farstad Shipping
* Fleet Operators
* Fugro-Rovtech
* Garware Offshore
* Great Offshore
* Greatship
* Gulf Marine Services
* Gulf Offshore Logistics
* GulfMark Offshore
* Harvey Gulf
* Havila Shipping
* Hind Offshore
* Hornbeck Offshore
* Island Offshore
* Laborde Marine
* Maersk
* Mar Sol
* Mermaid Marine Australia
* North Star Shipping
* Ocean Mainport
* Oceanteam
* Olympic Ship
* Ostensjo Rederi
* Rem Offshore
* Sartor Offshore
* SEACOR Marine
* Sealion Shipping
* Siem Offshore Inc.
* Solstad Offshore
* Tidewater
* Topaz Marine
* Trico Marine Services
* Troll Supply
* Troms Offshore
* Viking Supply Ships
* Volstad
* Vroon Offshore Services

Semoga bisa bermanfaat..........n selamat berusaha.....jgn lewat BROKER atau CALO lagi



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