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0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Re: [pelaut] IBF reaches three year agreement


its a good issues. we`ll see the implementation.

From: b budiman <>
To: milis pelaut <>
Sent: Friday, August 5, 2011 7:44 AM
Subject: [pelaut] IBF reaches three year agreement

IBF reaches three year agreement
(Aug  5  2011) 

The IBF (International Bargaining Forum) has reached a final agreement on a three-year deal, which will be applied to all IBF agreements from 1st January 2012.
At a meeting held in Miami between 27th and 28th July, the IBF, which comprises representatives of the ITF, on behalf of seafarers, and the Joint Negotiating Group (JNG), on behalf of employers; agreed a 2% basic increase to be applied on 1st January 2012, a further 2.5% increase on 1st January 2013 and a final 3% increase to be applied on 1st January 2014.
Under the terms of a new methodology, as agreed between the parties during 2010, the percentage increase will be applied to an element, which includes both pay and union funding.
However, the specifics of the application of the increases between officer and rating categories and funding elements, will be decided at local negotiations between individual union affiliates and the employers.
Further cost items agreed during the negotiations included the introduction of an incentive increase in ITF Welfare Fund rebates to the IBF of an additional 5%, on top of the current 5%, if the number of vessels being covered under IBF agreements increases year on year by 2%, 2% and 1% during the years 2012 to 2014 respectively.
As well as discussing cost issues, the IBF members spent considerable time discussing specific amendments to the articles of the IBF Collective Bargaining Agreement that included such items as changes to the period that is defined as
probationary when a seafarer commences his, or her first term of employment with a company, plus references to the ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC).The issue of piracy was debated at great length and a revised text was agreed on warlike operations/high risk areas. However, the issue of reviewing the extended area and compensation was held over for further dialogue in the near future.
Speaking on conclusion of the IBF negotiations, Dave Heindel, chair of the ITF Seafarers' Section, commented: "The last few years have put a great pressure on both sides of the IBF to be seen to be acting responsibly in support of both the seafarers and those that employ them.
"The collapse in the world financial market has led to employers wanting to minimise their cost increases in difficult times; and has put pressure on those who represent the seafarers to understand this financial situation, while ensuring that they are protecting the interest and livelihoods of their members.
"The final agreement that we have reached has demonstrated the ability of the two sides to work together being both constructive and representative. This agreement bears testament to the strength of the IBF process and its ability to reach conclusion in difficult times, on difficult issues," he concluded.
Giles Heimann, IMEC secretary general and joint secretary of the JNG said: "The final outcome reached by the IBF is both a pragmatic and mutually acceptable agreement for both sides. The IBF system has yet again demonstrated the ability of both
sides of the table to work closely together in examining the core issues at hand; and through debate, negotiation, respect for each other's opinions and understanding, a solution has been found, which allows us all to confirm that we have achieved a good result for our constituents.
"While of course, the specific outcome that will be focused on is the pay increase, we should not forget that the IBF system of partnership focuses on many other issues - during these negotiations, a great deal has been achieved, which supports the IBF process into the future, as well as agreeing to the pay settlement," Heimann concluded.

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