Please be advised we require following crew urgently to join our vessel.
1. 3 MASTER candidate with Class-2 certificate with Aqua Master (ASD Tug) experience and rig, barge towing operation experience to work with ARAMCO. Salary USD 250 to 300 per day for good experience master candidate and 4 months contract.
2. 3 MASTER candidate with Class-1 or 2 with AHT & AHTS tug experience with Anchor handling experience to work with ARAMCO. Salary USD 300 to 350 per day for good anchor handling master candidate and 4 months contract.
3. 3 C/Mate candidate with Class-2 certificate with Aqua Master (ASD Tug) experience and rig, barge towing operation experience to work with ARAMCO. Salary USD 200 to 250 per day for good experience master candidate and 4 months contract.
4. 3 C/Mate Candidate with Class-2 with AHT & AHTS tug experience with Anchor handling experience to work with ARAMCO. Salary USD 225 to 275 per day for good anchor handling master candidate and 4 months contract.
Crew should pass Marlins English test with above 85% mark in all subject.
Please send email your CV and supporting doc's
PT Global Maritime Indonesia,
Jln Pelepah Indah I - LB2 No. 15
Kelapa Gading Timur,
Jakarta Utara,
Tlpn. +6221 4500 206
Hp. +62821 2242 0168 or +62812 1998 6382
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