Dear Milister,
We require the following crew to join in our fleet:
- Chief officer Tanker 34 Months experience
minimum USD 6500 -USD 7000
- 2nd Engineer Container Pielstick experience
prefer USD 6500 -USD 7000
- Electrician Any vessel
- Master Towing Tug Class 3
USD 2500 -USD 3000
- Able Bodied Container Experience on 30,000
tonnes + USD 1400
- Oiler Container Experience on
30,000 tonnes + USD 1400
For all interested candidates kindly send your CV to :
(send only CV).
Best Regards,
PT.Mercator Services Indonesia
Gading Marina Building, 5th Floor, Suite 505
Jl. Boulevard Barat Raya No. 1
Kelapa Gading, 14240 Jakarta Utara
T: +6221 4587 6262
+6221 4585 3051 - 53
F: +6221 4584 3885
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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