Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Seaman Job Vacancy for Indonesian Master, Chief Officer and Chief Engineer

Dear all Sailors Indonesia,

Required MasterC / EC / O class IV / V 

near coastal voyage at bunker operation, experienced small boat
UAE operations
salary Master /USD $2000CE / USD $ 1500, CO / US$1000
6-month contractas safe as visas (not permit visa), 
the crew all Indonesia

For those interestedplease send CV to or with subject Bunker UAE

Thank youAbdulHaris/081318304639.

1 Response to "Seaman Job Vacancy for Indonesian Master, Chief Officer and Chief Engineer"

  1. Dear Sir / Madam
    I'm Raden sitinjak from indonesia... I'm looking for job engine officer. As my previous experience I have been work as chief engineer on supply / survey / utility / and multicat vessel. During my above service,I am holding belize certificate , luxembourg certificate, and indonesia class IV marine engineer certificate, and certificate proficiency is complete. Kindly be consider, if I can joint your company.
    Mobile:(+6281361376973 )or (+6281277073416 )


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