Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

400 Ton Barge's Loaded Solar Sunset at Bawean

400 Ton of HSD fuel including the Barge Sunk at Bawean, reported by Blog's Berita Kapal.
Accidents happen again, Barge was sinking. A barge with her cargo of Diesel was sank in the waters of the surf of beaten Bawean, East Java. The crew were rescued.

Although brought 400 tons of diesel fuel come down with the ship10 crew of barge and tug boat as per Master Roi Harmoko statement were escapes from deathThey were rescued a ship tug boat.

"Information from the captainthe ship sank after hit by bigwaves," said Chief Port of Authority (Syahbandar) Bawean SukoSunday (18/12/2011).

Suko said the ship had sunk 8 miles from the island of Bawean, from the information gatheredthe barge that departed from the Port of Tanjung Perak.

The ship is scheduled to arrive at the dock SangkapuraBawean at 17.00 pmBut at 8 miles before Baweanthe weather deteriorated with bigger wavesWaves up to as high as 4 feet finally hit the barge.

The barge is transported to supply solar, HSD Fuel power plant on the island of BaweanSinking barge carrying diesel fuel, of course, makes Bawean threatened power supplies.

Electricity crisis that might occur would add to the suffering citizens means BaweanUntil now, the island within 80 miles of Gresik was hit by fuel crisis of gasoline.

Consequentlyone liter of gasoline priced at Rp 6 - USD 11 thousandGasoline crisis occurred after the Ship Screen Motor(KLM) Dharma Ferry that supply gasoline to burn in the PortSidayu Bawean oldLamongana few ago.

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