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0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Indonesian Sparta crew race to patch up damaged hull

The latest update news relating to developments of the story Indonesian sailors trapped inside the ship Sparta in the cold continent, Antarctica, in getting information by Berita Kapal Blog's today that the damage has begun to be fixed by the crew boat from Indonesia and other.
Sparta crew race to patch up damaged hull (Source: United States Airforce)
Antarctic region - Source: United States Airforce
Sparta crew race to patch up damaged hull (Source: United States Airforce)
Stranded Russian fishing ship Sparta - Source: United States Airforce

Crew on board the Russian fishing vessel stranded near Antarctica have requested more equipment to help repair damage to the boat's hull.
The ship, Sparta, issued a mayday call at 3am on Friday from near the ice shelf of Antarctica, 3704 km south east of New Zealand in the Ross Sea.
The 48-metre vessel, with 32 men onboard, had hit ice and put a 30cm hole in the hull, 1.5 metres below the water line. It was taking on water and listing 13 degrees.
But the ship is pumping the water out and is in no immediate danger of sinking.
The crew have been working to repair the hull since Friday, and Maritime New Zealand said they have managed to stop the ingress of water into the holds.
A Royal New Zealand Air Force plane dropped an extra pump, fuel and other equipment to the Russian fishing vessel yesterday, after a seven-hour flight from Christchurch.
The RNZAF C130 Hercules is returning today and due back in New Zealand tonight.
The Sparta crew are using the equipment to continue making repairs to the hull, and are also continuing to pump water from the ship.
"They are keeping ahead of the water ingress using two pumps," said RNZAF rescue mission co-ordinator Neville Blakemore.
"But they are having difficulty in trying to fix a patch to the damaged part of the hull because they need to stop one of the pumps to do this, and then the water level creeps up again."
Blakemore said Sparta's stability was currently the number one priority for the rescue operation.
"With help days away at least, we need to keep the crew on board Sparta where they have their best chance of survival.
"They have told us they need more equipment to assist with repairs and securing the vessel."
Blakemore said the ship's agent was sourcing the equipment and RCCNZ would co-ordinate its delivery.
Meanwhile, an icebreaker is on its way toward the Russian ship, but it will take several days to reach the stranded vessel.
The Sparta's owner has commissioned a South Korean icebreaker to go to its assistance. The icebreaker Araon left New Zealand after midnight and is expected to take about eight days to reach Sparta.
Weather conditions in the area remain calm.
Aside from the icebreaker, three nearby vessels have been tasked to assist Sparta but all have been hampered by heavy ice en route to the scene and are still days away.
One, the New Zealand vessel San Aspiring, pulled out yesterday after its crew determined the more than 470 nautical mile (NM) journey was too dangerous.
The Norwegian vessel Sel Jevaer is only 19NM away but is currently hemmed in by ice and unable to proceed. Sparta's sister ship, Chiyo Maru no. 3 is slowly making its way towards the stricken vessel but is still days away.

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