Our Shipping Company: TAG Maritime Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
1) ANT4 500GRT Near Coastal Endorsement For C/O RM 3000/month (1person),
Salary all in, the food provided. If good conduit both during in 3 month salary will rise to the Captain adjusted. TugBoat 2 years minimal experience, must have certificate ORU.
2) Salaries RM3000/month ATT4 For C / E (1 person), all in, feed supplies. Tug Boat experience at least 2 yrs.
GRT 263 Twin Schottel tugs, operating only in the Port Ship t oShip (STS) in Melaka Malaysia KSLinggi
1 year contract.
Main Engine: 2 x 1771 BHP Mirrlees Blackstone Diesel(Propeller SchottelRudder) system.
Help 3x Cummins Engine 80Kva
Are interested please to MR.Bustami Kirin CV to E-mail:bustami_taglm@tag-marine.com and MR.Hopni MontohAatjinE-mail: hopnimontohaatjin@yahoo.com
Hopni / Supt.
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