Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor



Dear Seafarers,

We Have Vacancy for the following crew requirement with expected joining in
December 2011.

MASTER (5 Positions) (Quote "Master LCT")

a) Hold a valid certificate of competency as Master, minimum qualification
under STCW 1995, II/3 endorsement, 500 GRT or less.

b) Have a minimum 2 years proven experience in the offshore industry as
Master of a Vessel of similar type and shall be able to communicate in
written and spoken English, including necessary technical terminology,

c) Hold at least a GMDSS Radiotelephony certificate and shall be familiar
with emergency radio procedures.

CHIEF OFFICER (5 Positions) (Quote "C/O LCT")

a) Hold a valid certificate of competency as Chief Officer, minimum
qualification under STCW 1995, III/3 endorsement, less than 500 GRT.

b) Have a minimum 2 years proven experience in the offshore industry as
Mate of a Vessel of similar type and size and shall be able to communicate
in written and spoken English, including necessary technical terminology,

CHIEF ENGINEER (5 Positions) (Quote "C/E LCT")

a) Hold a valid license of competency as Chief Engineer, minimum
qualification under STCW 1995, III/3 endorsement, 750 to 3000KW.

b) Have a minimum of 2 years proven experience in the offshore Industry
as Chief Engineer of a Vessel of similar type and BHP and shall be able to
communicate in written and spoken English, including necessary technical
terminology, fluently.

2ND ENGINEER (5 Positions) (Quote "2/E LCT")

a) Hold a valid certificate of competency as Second Engineer, minimum
qualification under STCW 1995, III/3 endorsement, 750 to 3000KW.

b) Have a minimum 2 years proven experience in the offshore industry as
Second Engineer of a Vessel of similar type and size and shall be able to
communicate in written and spoken English, including necessary technical
terminology, adequately.

Kindly forward your complete resume to

For More detail Please contact my mobile number

Thanks & Best regards,

Aldi Garibaldi

NURFA BAHTERA MANDIRI - Jogja (Branch Office)

PUTRI MANDIRI - Batam (Head Office)

As recruiting agents only

email: <>

Mob. +62 812 15 322 329

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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