Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Part 3 - Belajar Draft Survey Kapal : Specimen of Calculation

Meet you again in Part 3 - Belajar Draft Survey Kapal : Specimen of Calculation
As I have promised you, I write down this post to explain specimen of Calculation in Draft Survey. Please also refer to the previous post Part - 1 Belajar Draft Survey : Terms of Conduct and Part 2 - belajar draft survey: procesdures and calculations.

Ok, now we could directly go to the point. The vessel has alongside at the wharf in port to discharge the grain cargo. The Ship’s Particulars shown :
Name of Vessel : MV. OCEAN BALL, - Port of Registry (POR) : Panama, – Lenght Over All (LOA) : 182.00 M, – Lenght Between Perpendiculars (LBP) : 179.00 M, – Breath (B) : 32.20 M, – Depth (D) : 17.15 M, – Gross Tonnage (GT) : 28,342 MT, – Net Tonnage (NT) : 17,664 MT, – Summer Draft (SD) : 12.163 M, – Summer Deadweight (DWT) : 52,998 MT, – Light Ship (LS) : 7,780 MT, Constant (CS) : 320 MT, – Fore Distance to Perpendicular (Fd) : 1.70 M, – After Distance to Perpendicular (Ad) : 9.45 M.  See Picture :
foreaftdistance Draft Survey: Specimen of Calculation
Fore & Aft Distance
The Surveyor came onboard and made Draft Survey to determine the quantity of cargo on arrival. During inspection, she’s draft marks and others data finds as the followings :
- Fore Draft Port (FP) : 10.79 M / Fore Draft Starboard (FS) : 10.81 M.
- Mid Draft Port (MP) : 10.90 M / Mid Draft Starboard (MS) : 11.03 M.
- Aft Draft Port (AP) : 11.16 M / Aft Draft Starboard (AF) : 11.19 M.
- Density of Sea Water Sample (Den) : 1.021.
- Ballast Water (BW) : 265.00 Cubic Meter at Density 1.025, – Fresh Water (FW) : 183.00 MT.
- Fuel Oil (FO) :  612.00 MT, - Diesel Oil (DO) : 161.00 MT, – Lub Oil (LO) : 29.00 MT.
The Draft Survey Calculation is described as below :
Raw Draft Calculation
- Fore Mean (Fm) = (FP + FS) / 2 = (10.79 + 10.81) / 2 = 21.60 / 2 = 10.800 M.
- Mid Mean (Mm) = (MP + MS) / 2 = (10.90 + 11.03) / 2 = 21.93 / 2 = 10.965 M.
- Aft Mean (Am) = (AP + AS) / 2 = (11.16 + 10.19) / 2 = 22.35 / 2 = 11.175 M.
- Apparent Trim (AT) = Am – Fm = 11.175 – 10.800 = 0.375 M.
- Length Between Mark (LBM) = LBP – (Fd + Ad) = 179.00 – (1.70 + 9.45)
= 167.85 M
Draft Correction to Distance to Perpendicular.
- Fore Correction (Fc) = (Fd x AT) / LBM = (1.70 x 0.375) / 167.85 = 0.003798
= 0.004 M (rounded to 3 Decimals).
- Mid Correction (Mc) = (Md x AT) / LBM = (0.00 x 0.375) / 167.85
= 0.000 M (Not Available)
- Aft Correction (Ac) = (Ad x AT) / LBM = (9.45 x 0.375) / 167.85 = 0.021112
= 0.021 M (rounded to 3 Decimals).
True Draft and True Trim
- Fore Draft Corrected (Fcd) = Fm + Fc = 10.800 + (-0.004) = 10.796 M.
- Mid Draft Corrected (Mcd) = Mm + Mc = 10.965 + 0.000 = 10.965 M.
- Aft Draft Corrected (Acd) = Am + Ac = 11.175 + 0.021 = 11.196 M.
- True Trim (TT) = Acm – Fcm = 11.196 – 10.796 = 0.400 M.
Final Draft Calculation
- Fore and Aft Mean (FAm) = (Fcd + Acd) / 2 = (10.796 + 11.196) / 2 = 21.992 /2 = 10.996 M.
- Mean of Mean Draft (MM) = (Mcd + FAm / 2) = (10.965 + 10.996) /2 = 21.961 / 2 = 10.9805 M.
- Quarter Mean (MMM) = (MM + Mcd) /2 = (10.9805 + 10.965) /2 = 21.9455 /2 = 10.97275 M
= 10.973 M.
- Or MMM = {(Fcd x 1) + (Acd x 1) + (Mcd x 6)} / 8 = {(10.796 x 1) + (11.196 x 1) + (10.996 x 6)} / 8
= (10.796 + 11.196 + 65.790) / 8 = 87.782 / 8 = 10.97275 M = 10.973 M.
Hydrostatic Table
Refer to the Table, we could obtain :
Displacement (Disp)
- Disp  at 10.970 M :  54,266.860 MT (DISP. FULL).
- Disp at 10.980 M :  54,321.070 MT (DISP. FULL).
- Disp at 10.973 M : 54,266.860 +[ {(10.973 - 10.970) / (10.980 - 10.970)}
x (54,321.070 - 54,266.860)]
= 54,266.860 {(0.003 /0.010) x 54.210} = 54,266.86 + (0.3 x 54.210)
= 54,266.860 + 16.263 = 54,283.123 MT
Ton Per Centimeter (TPC)
- TPC  at 10.970 M :  54.210 MT (Below TPC on Table).
- TPC  at 10.980 M :  54.220 MT (Below TPC on Table).
- TPC at 10.973 M : 54.210 +[ {(10.973 - 10.970) / (10.980 - 10.970)}
x (54.220 - 54.210)]
= 54.210 {(0.003 /0.010) x 0.010} = 54.210 + (0.3 x 0.010)
= 54.210 + 0.003 = 54.213 MT.
Longitudinal Centre Flotation (LCF)
- LCF  at 10.970 M :  1.180 MT (Below LCF on Table).
- LCF  at 10.980 M :  1.190 MT (Below LCF on Table).
- LCF at 10.973 M : 1.180 +[ {(10.973 - 10.970) / (10.980 - 10.970)} x (1.190 - 1.180)]
= 1.180 {(0.003 /0.010) x 0.010} = 1.180 + (0.3 x 0.010) = 1.180 + 0.003 = 1.183 M.
 Draft Survey: Specimen of Calculation
Moment To Change Trim (MTC)
- MTC = MTC 1 – MTC 2.
- MTC 1 = MMM + 0.5 = 10.973 + 0.5 = 11.473 M.
- MTC 1  at 11.470 M :  709.910  (Below Table).
- MTC 1 at 11.480 M :  710.060 (Below Table).
- MTC 1 at 11.473 M : 709.910 +[ {(11.473 - 11.470) / (11.480 - 11.470)} x (710.060 - 709.910)]
= 709.910 {(0.003 / 0.010) x 0.150} = 709.910 + (0.3 x 0.450) = 709.610 + 0.045 = 709.955.
 Draft Survey: Specimen of Calculation
- MTC 2 = MMM - 0.5 = 10.973 - 0.5 = 10.473 M.
- MTC 2  at 10.470 M :  686.460  (Below MTC on Table).
- MTC 2 at 10.480 M :  686.770 (Below MTC on Table).
- MTC 2 at 10.473 M : 686.460 +[ {(10.473 - 10.470) / (10.480 - 10.470)}
x (686.770 - 686.460)]
= 686.460 {(0.003 /0.010) x 0.310} = 686.460 + (0.3 x 0.310) = 686.460 + 0.093 = 686.553.
 Draft Survey: Specimen of Calculation
So,  MTC = MTC 1 – MTC 2 = 709.955 – 686.553 = 23.402.
**** From the above results, we collected the data as follows:
- Disp = 54,283.123 MT, - True Trim (TT) = 0.400 M, - LBP = 179.00 M,
- TPC = 54.213, – LCF = 1.183, - MCT = 23.402.
First Trim Correction (FTc)
- FTc = (TT x TPC x LCF x 100) / LBP =  (0.400 x 54.213 x 1.183 x 100) / 179.000
= 256.35916 / 179.00 = 14.331615 = 14.332 MT.
Second Trim Correction (STc)
- STc = (TT x TT x MTC x 50) / LBP = (0.400 x 0.400 x 23.402 x 50) / 179.000
= 185.536 / 179.00 = 1. 045899 = 1.046 MT.
Displacement Corrected to Trim (DispT)
- DispT = Disp + (FTc + STc) = 54,283.123 + (14.332 + 1.046) = 54,283.123 + 15.378
= 54,298.501 MT.
Density Correction (Denc)
- Actual Density (ADen) = Sample Sea Water Density = 1.021
- Denc = DispT x {(ADen – 1.025) / 1.025} = 54,298.501 x {(1.021 – 1.025) / 1.025}
= 54,298.501 x (-0.004 / 1.025)
= 54,298.501 x  (-0.0039024) = -211.89947 = -211.899 MT.
Displacement Corrected to Density (DispDenc)
- DispDenc = DispT + Denc = 54,298.501 + (-211.899) = 54,086.602 MT.
Deductible Weight (Deduct)
- BW = 265.00 x 1.025 = 271. 625 MT, – FW = 183.000 MT, – FO =  612.000 MT,
- DO = 161.000 MT, – LO = 29.000 MT.
- Total Deduct = 1,256.625 MT.
Displacement Minus to Deductible Weight = Net Displacement (NDisp)
- NDisp = DispDenc - Deduct = 54,086.602 – 1,256.625 = 52,829.977 MT.
Estimated Cargo onboard (EstCOB)
- To estimated quantity cargo onboard, we need to know about Light Ship and Constant. Light Ship and Constant data is provided on the Ship’s Loading Manual.
For the new ship, we could refer to the Constant on the Manual, but for the old ship it Constant may vary, please refer to the Chief Officer Constant Declaration or Draft Survey Previous Port, or we could calculate it in the final survey after the Ship completing to discharge her cargoes (empty Ship).
- Light Ship (LS) = 7,780.000 MT, – Constant (CS) = 320.000 MT.
- EstCOB = NDisp – (LS + CS) = 52,829.977 – (7,780.000 + 320.00)
= 52,829.977 – 8,100.000 = 44,729.977 MT.
See the following Draft Survey Report Form..
draft form Draft Survey: Specimen of Calculation
We have completed the Initial Draft Survey,

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