Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Part 7 - Belajar Draft Survey Kapal : Draft Survey Software

Part 7 dari seri Belajar Draft Survey Kapal adalah akan saya posting tentang Draft Survey Software, tulisan ini saya sadur dan tulis ulang dari blog saya Binaga Marine Surveyor, berikut tulisannya;

Draft Survey Software : A Calculator Program For Draft Survey

Detail Product look here
Product Specification
Draft Survey Software is a Calculator Program for DRAFTSURVEY based on WINDOWS EXCEL is a user-friendly Draught Survey calculation program for Marine Surveyors and Ships' Officers.

Draft Survey Software is a Calculator Program for DRAFTSURVEY based on WINDOWS EXCEL is easily operated using either Keyboard or Mouse.
Draft Survey Software is a Calculator Program for DRAFTSURVEY based on WINDOWS EXCEL complies with the latest UN ECE standards for Draught Surveying and can print to all standard printer types.

Functions include:
  • Initial Survey, with calculation of constant and full report and saving to file.
  • Final and/or Intermediate Survey with full report and saving to file.
  • Easy hydrostatic tables interpolator; to reduce errors and provide very fast entry of data.
  • Storage of surveyor's name, address, company name and ship's name.
  • Extensive help available throughout the program by phone call or email.
  • Imperial Surveys as well as metric surveys.
  • Storage and automatic usage of hull hydrostatic data for both metric and imperial vessels; especially useful for Surveyors who have regularly calling ships or Ship's officers assigned to one ship,( this limited and difference offer can add to program but if any requirement .)
  • During entry of the Survey you can go back and change any entered value at any time.
  • Optional manual input for corrections from ship's marks to perpendiculars.
  • Optional linking of Initial and Final Surveys to produce a one page report.
  • Entry of Ship Name, Voyage number etc at start of Survey for ease of use.
  • Optional custom text descriptions for "Other" weights and Fuel,Diesel and Lube Oils.
  • Optional printing to text file for later printing or editing in your Wordprocessor or transmission by E-Mail (Electronic Mail).
Minimum System Requirements

Compatible computer with 80386 or faster processor, 8MB RAM, hard disk drive with 1MB free space, floppy disk drive. Windows 95/ 98/Me/NT4/2000/XP operating system.

Link for Free Download this Draft Survey Software is a Calculator Program for DRAFTSURVEY based on WINDOWS EXCEL 

Tertarik Download here

Selain Draft Survey Software juga dikenal istilah Draft Survey Calculation program, berikut bahasan tentang Draft Survey Calculation Program.

Draft Survey Calculation Program

If you interested, i have offer a draft survey calculation program, my software based on Microsoft excel so user friendly. These software program for draft survey calculation is easily operated using either Keyboard or Mouse and useful for Marine Surveyor or Ship's Officer on cargo vessel for cargo loaded or discharge of bulk cargo complies with the latest Draft Surveying Standard.

Draft survey calculation program useful by Marine Surveyor or ship;s officer beside Super Cargo, Cargo Engineering, P&I Cargo Survey, Loading Master, Cargo Office and everyone who interesting about draft survey.

If you want, i have formula for calculation draft survey, it easy to use and applicable for beginner surveyor, Junior surveyor and senior surveyor or everyone who interest about draft survey,
please email to with subject Draft Survey Calculation.

Without spending much money, I even gave a lot of bonuses such as Tank Sounding and Ballast Water Template, how to create a Certificate of Quantity, Constant Automatic Calculation Finding, Draft Statement Template, Ship's Particular and Cargo Particulars Template.

Oke, don't waiting for !
send message and email me to with subject Draft Survey Calculation
legal software and not company property, we create for own use only, you only need to spend a little money for our royalty,

Only USD 30.00 for this valuable program & Bonuses
you can settlement to our paypal account at or
cash transfer to our local bank at Indonesia,
Bank Syariah Mandiri with account No. 0380114456 put draft survey in your message.

Paypal Account


Transfer / Cheque to Account :
Batam Branch Sulaiman
Account No. 0380114456
to Ruly Abdillah

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