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0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

FW: New Video: Environmental Awareness




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From: Maritime Training Services []
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 7:08 AM
To: Rully
Subject: New Video: Environmental Awareness


Environmental Awareness

Environmental Awareness: What You Can Do!

Every seafarer can learn best practices that cut costs, increase efficiency, and promote good environmental procedures.

"Environmental Awareness: What You Can Do!" is a new video from Maritime Training Services .  This new instructional tool is ideal for conducting general "Environmental Awareness" training, especially for international crews.  

Filmed onboard a container vessel, this program builds understanding of MARPOL and explains how everyone can make a difference - even with small housekeeping tasks.

Train your crew on why pollution/non-compliance can result in large penalitis and why best practices will improve everyone's quality of life.

Free preview

Cost: $250

Subtitles: Chinese, English, Russian, Spanish

Objective: provide seafarers with important information about MARPOL and simple best practices to reduce their environmental impact.


This program includes:

  • Video outlining clear, simple steps for seafarers to increase efficiency and cut costs on-board
  • Overview of all 6 MARPOL Annexes
  • Interviews with industry experts
  • Key information best suited for crew on board large vessels, such as containers, tankers, and bulk carriers.


Shipboard best practices require constant communication between officers and crew.

Good housekeeping and best practices should be implemented from the engine room to the galley, and from the captain all the way to the most junior seaman.
After completing this program you will understand:

  • Long-term environmental impacts of the maritime industry
  • MARPOL standards and penalties
  • The importance of environmental awareness for every crewmember
  • Specific actions that individual crewmembers can take to improve efficiency and cut costs
  • Where to go for help and additional information.
    For more information:



Date: October 12, 2011


Quick Links


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Vessel General Permit

This program and guide book demonstrate clear and simple steps to achieve compliance... Read more>

With nearly 50 DVDs, this package covers a wide range of training topics. SAVE over $5000... Read more>


For more information contact:

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Matt Gasparich via email
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+1 (206) 467 8458






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