Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

FW: Cargo : Lime Offer ex Lumut to Phil/Msia 13/10

To Chartering PIC

Good day. We do have following available for fixing.

Please propose if any suitable.


Commodity: Hydrated Lime in jumbo bags  
Bag dimension: L 1.15m x B 1.15m x H 1.35m
POL: Lumut, Malaysia
POD: Rio Tuba, Philippines
Quantity: 3500 -5000MT
laycan: 15-20 Nov
L/D rate: CQD
Freight Idea: Invited owner best freight idea on FIOST BSS 1/1

Commodity: Hydrated Lime in jumbo bags  
Bag dimension: L 1.15m x B 1.15m x H 1.35m
POL: Port Klang, Malaysia
POD: Rio Tuba, Philippines
Quantity: 3500 to 4000MT
laycan: 20th – 25th  Nov
L/D rate: CQD
Freight Idea: Invited owner best freight idea on FIOST BSS 1/1

Remarks: Gearless vessel not workable.

Please propose firm tonnage and owner idea.

Thank you

Best Regards,
Ms Choong Li Yee
Tel: +603-7980 9905, Fax: +603-7981 8154 or 7984 0742
HP: +6013-3419392
Our Specialization : Conventional . Agency . Shipping & Maritime Consultation . S&P

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