Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

[pelaut] Ticket Collection


Ticket Collection

One story which quietly emerged last month has the potential to bring shipping as we know it to its collective knees. As a failure to improve standards of training and certification will see Filipino seafarers banned from EU flagships.

According to a dictat from the EU, thousands of Filipino seafarers could face a ban unless standards rise sharply across local training establishments.

It is understood that Brussels has tabled notice to Manila to rectify problems by the summer at the latest. If they don't act, well the world's number one labour supply nation could suffer the withdrawal of the recognition accorded to its Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping certificates. Ouch...

The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has been conducting assessments of standards in the country, and up till now it seems they have been pretty unimpressed.

But would they, could they, indeed should they take this path? It could see thousands of Filipino officers and ratings prevented from taking jobs on EU vessels, which at a time of skill shortages could be extremely damaging.

Any ruling will not be retrospective, allowing continued use of existing sea staff – but the future could look very bleak indeed. Unless the training centres buck their act.

The EU options are pretty blunt, as according to Lloyd's List they can't ban single schools. So it's a case of all in or all out.

Most experts have been taking the "swan approach" – people such as Giles Heimann, secretary-general of the International Maritime Employers' Committee, have expressed confidence that the Philippines was capable of raising its game in time. However we expect their little legs are paddling like crazy as all efforts are put into convincing the EU that they can do the necessary.

Which in many ways is part of the problem – yes there are "ticket factories", but they only do what they have been allowed to get away with for too long. The problems have existed for years, so why rush in with a panicked ultimatum? Surely real, tangible and longer lasting results would be produced with a metaphorical arm around the Filipino training establishments, rather than scaring them into a response.

Our belief is that they will pass any subsequent EMSA assessments, not because they have got better – but a) because they cannot be allowed to fail, and b) they will have become better at looking better.

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