Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Put the rubbish in the bin


Put the rubbish in the bin
(Jan 18 2013)

The North P&I club has reminded its members that 2013 is the first full year of operation of new international garbage-disposal rules.

These new rules greatly limit the dumping of garbage at sea.

This reminder was included in the latest issue of the club's loss prevention newsletter 'Signals', published this week.

According to North's loss prevention manager Andrew Glen, "With very few specific exceptions, the new rules reverse the historical presumption that most garbage can be discharged at a suitable distance offshore. Shipowners thus need to ensure they have the right garbage-disposal procedures and policies in place and continue to keep the seas clean throughout 2013 and beyond."

In July 2011 the IMO adopted amendments to Annex V of MARPOL in resolution MEPC.201(62) and issued guidelines for their implementation in resolutions MEPC.219(63) and MEPC.220(63).

This revised annex also severely restricts the discharge of garbage, other than HME, into coastal waters and defined special areas.

These areas include the North Sea, Mediterranean, Baltic, Black Sea and Red Sea areas, as well as the Gulfs area, wider Caribbean region and the Antarctic area.

In the light of the new regulations North recommended that all shipowners aim to use port reception facilities, as the primary means of discharging all garbage.

North also flagged up a further tightening of US discharge rules coming in December of this year. The US Environmental Protection Agency's existing programme of vessel general permits for discharges incidental to normal operation will be replaced by a more rigorous regime.

Meanwhile, leading ratings agency Standard and Poor's (S&P) has confirmed North's `A' credit rating and stable outlook for a ninth consecutive year.

The agency said its rating reflects the 170 mill gt club's continued `strong capitalisation, strong competitive position and strong financial flexibility and that management is taking a credible and realistic approach in response to the challenges facing the industry'.

It was also confirmed that North had successfully achieved its goal of increasing global market share of mutual business to 12.5% and that its size was now stabilised at around 400 members.

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