Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

[pelaut] lowongan kerja pelaut.


PT. KSM INDONESIA need crew.


reeff cargo

- no1 pohah - 2/O = 1.800 usd
- mabah - 2/O = 1.800 usd

- jochoh - 1/E = 3.000 usd
- baron - 1/E = 3.000 usd
- baron - no1 olr = 1.000 usd


- jns - 3 = 1/E - 2.600 usd
- chang young C/O = 3.400 usd
- chang young 2/E = 2.080 usd
- in young - 3/O = 1.800 usd
- in young - 2/E = 2.080 usd

- ty lotus - 2/E = 2.080 usd
- keum young - C/O = 3.400 usd
- keum young - 2/O = 2.080 usd
- keum young - 3/O = 1.800 usd
- bo spring - 2/O = 2.354 usd
- bo spring - 3/O = 1.800 usd
- white iyo - 2/E = 1.700 usd
- white tokio - 2/E = 1.700 usd
- white lily - 2/E = 1.700 usd

chemical tanker

- yc acacia - 3/O = 2.200 usd
- yc kalmia - 3/O = 2.200 usd


jl. raya boulevard barat kelapa gading

rukan MOI (Mall Of Indonesia) blok I no 5 B

kelapa gading jakarta utara.



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