Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

[pelaut] Officers For Tugboats


Our company need immediately these following positions for tugboats with details as follow :

Vessel location: Ajman, UAE
Basic : SGD2500.00 (Class 1)
FG Allowance : SGD600.00
Total take home : SGD 3100.00
Job Bonus : SGD 800.00 per month (payable ONLY upon completion of full contract)
Contract duration : 8 + 2 months

2.Chief Officer
Basic : SGD1150.00 (Class 2)
FG Allowance : SGD350.00
Total take home : SGD1500.00
Job Bonus : SGD 800.00 per month (payable ONLY upon completion of full contract)
Contract duration : 8 + 2 months


Document required for apply visa as follow:
• Photo (white background) – 12 pcs
• Father's and Mother's name
• Passport in colour
• Medical report (the medical must endorse by UAE Embassy in

Duration processing Visa at minimum 1 month.


Vessel Location : Surabaya/Samarinda/Batam/Jakarta.

1. Masters (ANT 2) with working tanker experience.
The subject vessel is now under a new charter operating within Indonesian waters. Trading mainly between Surabaya/Samarinda/Batam/Jakarta.

Offered salary : IDR 10,500,000 per month net (take home pay after deduction for Jamsostek and income tax)
Contract period: 6 + 2 months

Should you meet the requirements, please register your complete CV and your seafarer code with subject line TUGBOATS to :

Maria Eka Pratiwi
Operational Crewing Manager

HP : +6285710016959
E-mail : or
Official website :
Yahoo Messenger :
Skype : maria.eka.pratiwi

for PT. Ciptakarya Intisemesta (Crewing Division)
Jl. Raya Taman Margasatwa Kav. 2 No. 62
Jakarta Selatan 12540 - Indonesia
Telp.: 62 21 7800261 Fax: 62 21 7813972

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