We need urgently 3rd Engineer for MV Jenwin II (Semi Container) with details as follows :
1. Salary RM 4000 per month + Trip Allowance
RM 100 per trip.
2. Contract is 2 years.
3. Trading Line : Malaysian water only
4. Holding valid passport, seaman book, STCW.
If you're interested for this position, please send your CV and supported documents to this email address.
E-mail : maria_ekapratiwi@yahoo.com
or ciptacrew@ciptakaryain.com
for PT. Ciptakarya Intisemesta (Crewing Division)
Jl. Raya Taman Margasatwa Kav. 2 No. 62
Jakarta Selatan 12540 - Indonesia
Telp.: 62 21 7800261 Fax: 62 21 7813972
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