For a new seismic vessel we are looking for one set of Indonesian crew - except Master and ch eng -
Officers shall hold DP Basic or adv certificate.
Joining will be in Singapore 0n July 20th.
Terms are 2 months with optional extension for another 2 months.
All candidates shall have expereince on other seismic vessels.
Ch Offc 150-180$
2nd Offc 100
2nd Eng 150-180
3rd Eng 100
Electrician/ETO 100
Bosun 50
AB's 30-40
Oiler 30-40
Cook 50
pls send your CV and supporting documents to
lighthaus.crew @
best rgds
Capt R.Dombrowski
Lighthaus Pte Ltd
59, Ubi Ave 1, #07-04
Singapore 408 938
Tel.:+65-6546 0300
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