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[info pelaut] IMO's MSC ends a busy session

IMO's MSC ends a busy session
(June 3 2012)

At MSC 90, which concluded on 25th May, several amendments to SOLAS were adopted and the adoption and approval of other guidelines, codes and circulars, submitted by the IMO sub-committees were rubber stamped.

In another move, the MSC agreed Interim Guidance to private maritime security companies (PMSC) providing privately contracted armed security personnel (PCASP) on board vessels transiting the high-risk area (HRA) off the east coast of Africa.

The MSC adopted the following SOLAS amendments, which could effect the tanker sector, with expected entry into force on 1st January 2014:

• SOLAS regulation III/20.11.2 regarding the testing of free-fall lifeboats, to require that the operational testing of free-fall lifeboat release systems shall be performed either by free-fall launch with only the operating crew on board or by a simulated launching. A related circular encouraging early implementation of the amendment was also approved;

• SOLAS regulation V/14 on ships' manning, to require administrations, for every ship, to establish appropriate minimum safe manning levels following a transparent procedure, taking into account the guidance adopted by IMO (Assembly resolution A.1047(27) on principles of minimum safe manning); and issue an appropriate minimum safe manning document or equivalent as evidence of the minimum safe manning considered necessary;

• SOLAS chapter VI to add a new SOLAS regulation VI/5-2, to prohibit the blending of bulk liquid cargoes during the sea voyage and to prohibit production processes on board ships;

• SOLAS chapter XI-1 regulation XI-1/2 on enhanced surveys, to make mandatory the International Code on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP Code, resolution A.1049(27)).

The MSC also adopted amendments to regulation 47 of the International Convention on Load Lines (LL), 1966 and the 1988 LL Protocol, to move the Winter Seasonal Zone off the southern tip of Africa further southward by 50 miles.

The amendments to the 1988 LL Protocol are expected to enter into force on 1st January 2014 under the tacit acceptance procedure.

The amendments to the Convention, which require positive acceptance by two-thirds of contracting parties to enter into force, will now be submitted to the next session of the IMO Assembly for adoption, as required by the convention.

In addition, the MSC adopted amendments to the following codes, with expected entry into force on 1st January 2014:

• International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code), relating to fixed foam fire extinguishing systems; and automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems.

• International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code and supplements (amendment 36-12), including harmonisation of the code with the amendments to the UN recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods, 17th revised edition. Amendment 36-12 will enter into force on 1st January 2014, but contracting governments may apply the aforementioned amendments in whole or in part on a voluntary basis from 1st January 2013.

MSC was updated on developments in relation to the establishment and testing of LRIT Data Centres (DCs) and the operation of the LRIT system since its last session. It was informed that the International LRIT Data Exchange (IDE) had been fully operational at the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) premises, in Lisbon (Portugal), since 18th October 2011. The offer of the EU states for the continued hosting, maintenance and operation of the IDE by EMSA, beyond 2013, at no cost either to the SOLAS contracting governments or to the IMO, was welcomed by the committee.

An overview of the IDE operations (status as at November 2011) showed that 66 LRIT Data Centres were connected to the IDE; 275,000 messages were processed per week by the IDE (30 messages/minute); 111 SOLAS contracting governments and overseas territories to which the 1974 SOLAS Convention has been extended and 325 Search and Rescue services were users of the IDE; and the average processing time per message was less than one second.

The MSC also welcomed the offer of the US to continue hosting, maintaining and operating the disaster recovery site of the IDE, beyond 2013, subject to their national procurement regulations, also at no cost, with the understanding that the US reserved the right to revisit the decision should the circumstances associated with the configuration and operation of the permanent IDE change in the future.

The committee adopted updated and amended performance standards for LRIT and approved a number of updated and amended circulars relating to LRIT operations.

A correspondence group on Goal-Based Standards was established to develop draft guidelines for the approval of equivalents and alternatives as provided for in various IMO instruments, and endorsed a work plan for the development of interim guidelines for the safety level approach.

A working group on goal-based standards will be established at MSC 91 to further consider matters related to the safety level approach and the draft guidelines to be developed by the correspondence group.

Many other matters were also considered, which were too numerous to mention here.

======= fm tankeroperator =======


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