Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Lowongan Pelaut Terbaru Hari Ini 15 January 2012

Informasi terbaru Lowongan Pelaut Terbaru Hari Ini 15 January 2012 untuk bekerja di atas kapal asing, dibuka kesempatan untuk bekerja pada perusahaan pelayaran luar negeri di kapal asing dengan berbagai posisi dan jenis kapal, info lengkap loker pelaut terbaru silahkan lihat dibawah ini :

3rd Officer for LPG Tanker Vessel

Seaman Job Vacancy for Third Officer will be placed on board LPG Tanker vessel
3rd Officer needed for LPG Tanker
Wages : USD 4100 / month
Contract : 4 +/- 1 month
Location : US Gulf, Centracl America
Joining : 5th February
Note : Hold US and Schengen Visa
Please send your CV to :
Marine Agency LIBRA LTD
4,Nekrasova Str.Odessa,Ukraine
Tel :
+38 0482 375445
+38 0482 347302
+38 0482 347307
Fax : +38 0482 349099
E-mail :
send your resume to above email and contact number, hope meet with your require

3rd Engineer for DP2 Construction Vessel

Seaman Job Vacancy for Third Engineer will be placed on board DP2 Construction vessel
Looking 3rd Engineer to join on DP2 construction vessel
Salary : £ 3062 / month
Location : Worldwide
Contract : Permanent with duration 6 weeks On / 6 weeks Off
Joining : 1st February
Note : Have 6 month experience on same vessel
Get contact below for more inofrmation
Northern Marine Manning Services Limited
Alba House
2 Central Avenue
G81 2QR
Tel: +44 141 876 3000
Fax: +44 141 941 2791
send your resume to above email and contact number, hope meet with your require

Chief Engineer for Bulk Carrier

Seaman job vacancy for Chief Engineer to be placed on board Bulk Carrier vessel
Chief Engineer needed for Bulk Carrier
Wages : USD 8200 / month
Contract : 5 +/- 1 month
Location : Worldwide
Joining : 20th January
Please get contact below for more information or send your Cv to :
70, Bazarnaya str.,
office 2, Odessa,
Phone: +380 48 722 31 00
Phone mob. Office: +38 0974065229
Phone +3804870152 56
Fax: +380 48 722 4818
Email :
send your resume to above email and contact number, hope meet with your require

Silahkan hubungi dan kirim lamaran pelaut anda langsung ke alamat tersebut diatas !

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