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0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Lowongan Pelaut Terbaru hari ini 21 Desember 2011

Info Terbaru Lowongan Pelaut Update 21 Desember 2011

Job Vacancy Lowongan Pelaut for various kind jobs and position by Blog Berita Kapal info terbaru lowongan kerja pelaut update terkini 21 Desember 2011 by Berita Kapal 
Jobs Pelaut sedang dibutuhkan Pelaut untuk posisi STEWARD, OILER, A/B, BOSUN Chief Officer1st Engineer,Master dan Deck Officer
Details required and requirements Vacancy Lowongan Pelaut various kind jobs and position find below:

Job Vacancy for Pelaut as Steward

We need some stewards with experience on offshore vessels, AHTS,PSV, etc.

Must speak good english and have a valid health certificate.

Joining the AHTS 20.000 BHP vessel in Singapore asap.

Terms are about 4-6 weeks, pay is 20$US per day.

Please send your CV and documents to

or to this mail.

Thks and best rgds

Capt R Dombrowski
Lighthaus Pte Ltd

961, Upper Changi Road North
Singapore 507 663
Tel.: +65-6546 0300

Lowongan di Kapal Gas LNG

Need following crew for LNG gas carrier DWT is around 5000 joining may be around weeks time. Crew must have  Liquefied gas tanker course
1 bosun    : 700 usd
2 a/b          : 500-600 usd-
2 oiler ... : 500-600 usd-

Please send your resume ( CV ) to our office :

Jl. Lagoa Terusan, Gang III C 2
Lagoa, Tg. Priok
Jakarta 14720

Telp. (021) 7100 3774
E-mail :

Contact Person :
  Fifi / 0813 9914 1327

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