Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

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0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Free Ebook for Berita Kapal Reader

Reading Lists of Ebook for Surveyor Free Download

These guidelines and books for Marine and Cargo Surveyors that available to buy at the online store.

From Maritime and Insurance Books
- Lloyd’s Survey Handbook 7th Edition,
Author: Knight, K G and Hill, Bryan and et al
Price: £64.00
For almost 45 years successive editions of Lloyd’s Survey Handbook have been saving the shipping and insurance communities time and money with clear, practical advice on cargo surveys and the care of cargo, the latest revised edition is no exception. An essential book for anyone in the maritime and transport sectors.
- Code of Practice for Draught Surveys
Author: International Institute of Marine Surveyors
Price: £12.00
A well conducted draught survey of a large vessel should achieve an accuracy to within 0.05% and must be conducted meticulously, taking into account all the prevailing circumstances, incorporating every aspect and difficulty which has been encountered to convey all aspects of the survey.
- Surveying Marine Damage 2nd Edition
Author: Captain C.B. Thompson
Price: £55.00
This now well established title is a handbook for marine surveyors and loss adjusters and a guide for underwriters, shipowners, lawyers particularly for insurance claims.
- Guidelines for Surveyors Conducting Pre-Shipment Inspection of Steel Cargoes
Author: International Institute of Marine Surveyors
Price: £20.00
Loss prevention should always be perceived as being more beneficial than claims handling and it is in the category of loss prevention that the steel pre-shipment inspection falls. A leading P & I Club recently reported that claims on steel cargoes still amounted to 11% of total claims on dry cargo and was therefore regarded as continuing to be a problem area. The need for accurate clausing of Mate’s receipts / bills of lading is therefore apparent and the best possible way to achieve this is by means of an accurate pre-shipment inspection of the cargo.
- Shipboard Petroleum Surveys 2nd Edition
Author: OCIMF and ICS
Price: £30.00
his unique illustrated guide, now in its second edition, explains how good shipboard survey practice can significantly reduce the risk of shortage and contamination claims arising from loading or discharging crude oil and petroleum products. It recommends a range of quantitative and qualitative monitoring and recording techniques which should enable potential loss or contamination problems to be identified at an early stage and remedied cost effectively. The guide is designed to be used with standard industry guidelines including the API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards and the Energy Institute Hydrocarbon Management procedures.
Link :
- Stowage : Properties & Stowage of Cargoes 5th Edition
Author: Thomas, O O and Agnew, J and Cole, K L and Rankin, K S
Price: £95.00
After 80 years in continuous publication, Thomas’ Stowage continues to be regarded as the definitive reference on the subject and is recommended by many organisations with an interest in the safe handling and carriage of cargoes. It is an essential source for ships’ officers; the freight, operations and insurance departments of ship owners and operators; ship agents; terminal operators; freight forwarders; container packers; maritime lawyers; train schools and marine insurance companies. This fifth edition of Thomas’ Stowage retains the format of previous editions, thus providing quick reference to procedures and individual commodities. Part 1, Part 2 and Appendix 5 have been extensively revised while entries in Part 3 have been amended where necessary with particular attention given to dangerous goods and bulk cargoes. Additionally, a start has been made on rationalising the entries in Part 3. Information on some of the more obscure cargoes is retained, bearing in mind that the majority are now shipped in containers. it should also be borne in mind that the container is, in effect, a miniature cargo hold with all the problems relating to compatibility, stowage, securing, ventilation, etc.
- Cargo Stowage and Securing – A Guide to Good Practice 2nd Edition
Author: Charles Bliault
Price: £30.00
Proper stowage and securing of items of cargo is the utmost importance for the safety of the crew, the carrying vessel and the items of cargo themselves. The object of this guide is to increase the seafarer’s knowledge of the forces acting upon items of cargo and of the requirements for the stowage and securing of cargo, to aid loss prevention. This second edition has been substantially d and includes additional information. The 112 page, colour-illustrated A-5 guide is an d and extended second edition aimed at ships’ officers and crews, the guide explains the basic rules to be followed when loading and securing non-bulk cargoes on ships, including containers, Ro-Ro and project cargoes, break-bulk items, steel and timber. It also describes where regulations, recommendations and more specialist guidance can be found. Lead author is Charles Bliault, a master mariner and partner with international marine consultancy Brookes Bell.
- Draught Surveys: A Guide to Good Practice 2nd edition
Author: Dibble, W J and Mitchell, P
Price: £30.00
Draught surveys determine the weight of dry bulk cargo loaded or discharged from ships, so their accuracy is vital to minimise the risk of shortage claims and disputes. This unique illustrated guide outlines the methods and corrections for surveys to be carried out to the required accuracy. Aimed at ship’s officers, maritime surveyors and all other parties with a vested interested in survey accuracy, it recommends procedures and formulas for every circumstance likely to be encountered. The UN ECE draught survey forms are included in the guide to help achieve standardisation of survey practice throughout the international shipping industry. The second edition of the guide has been substantially revised and restructured to make the procedures and calculations easier to follow. Worked examples are now included throughout and the figures have been redrawn in colour to make them easier to understand.

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