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Free Download ASTM Digital Table

For Pelaut Indonesia, Blog Berita Kapal will give you file of ASTM Digital for Petroleum Calculation on board your ship or Tanker Vessel, follow link below for download ASTM Digital Table for Petroleum Calculation Program.

ASTM Digital Table contains with ASTM Table 54, ASTM Table 54A, ASTM Table 54B, ASTM Table 6, ASTM Table 54A, ASTM Table 6B, ASTM Table 52, ASTM Table 1, ASTM Table 57, ASTM Table 53 and many more ASTM Table do you need will provide by us.

Thank you for always reading and stay blog-walking at our great Blog Berita Kapal for all seaman and seafarers, we always report you the latest informastion Marine and Maritime issue and Info Lowongan Kerja Di Kapal for Pelaut Indonesia.

This link for Free Download ASTM Digital :

ASTM Petroleum Standards

ASTM's petroleum standards are instrumental in the evaluation and assessment of the physical, mechanical, rheological, thermal, and chemical properties of crude oils, lubricating grease, automobile and aviation gasoline, hydrocarbons, and other naturally occurring energy resources used for various industrial applications. These fuels are tested for their composition, purity, density, miscibility and compatibility with other fluids and materials, toxicity, and thermal stability among others. These petroleum standards allow petroleum refineries, automotive and aviation companies, and other geological and chemical processing plants to appropriately examine and process these fuel oils ensure their quality towards safe and efficient use.

Standard for calculation petroleum product is Table 54B, at Indonesia, especially Pertamina using ASTM Table 54 for all receiving shore tank calculation.

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